Synchronized Filming

Synchronized Filming


motion-picture filming conducted simultaneously with the recording of sound. In synchronized filming, sound recording using the photographic or magnetic method is carried out either on the same film on which the visual image is produced or on a separate film or magnetic tape. If the visual image and the sound are recorded on two separate mediums, very constant film and tape speeds must be maintained both in the motion-picture camera and the sound-recording apparatus. In addition, the beginning of the photographic and sound-recording sequences must be marked with synchronization signals. Under such conditions, it is possible to synchronize the visual image and the sound quite precisely during the editing, printing, and projection of a film. Low-noise cameras and lighting equipment are used for synchronized filming, and sound stages are built using sound-absorbing and sound-insulating materials. Synchronized filming is used in producing feature films, documentaries, newsreels, and educational and popular scientific motion pictures.


Konoplev, B. N. Osnovy filmoproizvodstva, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1975.
Goldovskii, E. M. Vvedenie v kinotekhniku. Moscow, 1974.