QRAQuantitative Risk Assessment
QRAQuick Reaction Alert
QRAQuantitative Risk Analysis
QRAQuantified Risk Assessment
QRAStation Name
QRAQuaternary Research Association (UK)
QRAQuery, Reporting and Analysis (software)
QRAQuantum Reflex Analysis
QRAQuick Release Adapter
QRAQueensland Rifle Association
QRAQuinsigamond Rowing Association
QRAQuality & Reliability Assurance
QRAQuality-Ready Assessment (Seapine Software)
QRAQuad Racing Association (UK)
QRAQuick Reaction Assessment
QRAQuick Response Audit
QRAQuick Release Assembly
QRAQuick Reaction Antenna
QRAQuannapowitt Radio Association
QRAQuick Response Alarm
QRAQuota Report Assistant
QRAQueensland Recording Association
QRAQasmieh-Ras El Ain (area in Lebanon)
QRAQuality Relationships Alliance
QRAQuick Response Area
QRAQuartzite Rock Association
QRAQueensland Ranger Association
QRAQuantitative Reasoning and Analysis
QRAQueensland Renal Association
QRAQuick Response Award
QRAQuick Reaction Aircraft
QRAQuince Road Area
QRAQuick Reference Allowance (USGA estimator of a golfers' ability)
QRAQuality Resorts of America
QRAQuantitative Resistance Alleles
QRAQuinebaug Rivers Association
QRAQuarterly Review and Analysis
QRAQuick Raise Antenna
QRAQualified Refuge Area
QRAQuality and Regulatory Associates, LLC
QRAQuality in Rulemaking Academy
QRAQuasi-Regularity Approach
QRAQuick Readiness Assessment
QRAQuincy Retiree Association
QRAQuantitative Radioisotopic Angiocardiography