

 [si″mul-tān″ag-no´zhah] the inability to comprehend more than one element of a visual scene at the same time or to integrate the parts as a whole.


(sī'mul-tān'ag-nō'sē-ă), Inability to recognize multiple elements in a visual presentation, that is, one object or some elements of a scene can be appreciated but not the display as a whole. Synonym(s): simultagnosia [simultaneous + agnosia]


A rare neurologic defect characterised by an inability to comprehend more than one element of a scene at the same time or integrate the parts into a whole, which is attributed to a defect in visuospatial processing.
• Dorsal simultanagnosia.
• Ventral simultanagnosia.


Neurology Inability to comprehend > 1 element of a scene at the same time or integrate the parts into a whole


(sī'mŭl-tān'ag-nō'sē-ă) Inability to recognize multiple elements in a visual presentation; i.e., one object or some elements of a scene can be appreciated but not the display as a whole.


Inability to comprehend a whole picture or sustain visual attention across simultaneous elements, although its constituent elements may be recognized. Objects may look fragmented or even sometimes disappear hence the patient may have difficulty recognizing a face as only one part is seen, or difficulty reading. Visual acuity and visual fields are normal. This is often a symptom of Balint's syndrome or the result of a lesion, usually, in both parietal visual cortices, although temporal lobes may also be involved. Syn. simultagnosia; visual disorientation. See Balint's syndrome.