rhombencephalic isthmus

rhomb·en·ce·phal·ic isth·mus

1. a constriction in the embryonic neural tube delineating the mesencephalon from the rhombencephalon; 2. the anterior portion of the rhombencephalon connecting with the mesencephalon. Synonym(s): isthmus (2) [TA], isthmus of His, isthmus rhombencephali

rhomb·en·ce·phal·ic isth·mus

(rom'ben-sĕ-fal'ik is'mŭs) 1. A constriction in the embryonic neural tube delineating the mesencephalon from the rhombencephalon. 2. The anterior portion of the rhombencephalon connecting with the mesencephalon.


Wilhelm, Jr., German physician, 1863-1934. His band - Synonym(s): His bundleHis bundle - modified cardiac muscle fibers. Synonym(s): atrioventricular bundle; His band; Kent bundle; Kent-His bundleHis bundle electrogram - an electrogram recorded from the His bundle.His bundle heart blockHis bundle recordingHis spindle - a fusiform dilation of the aorta immediately beyond the isthmus. Synonym(s): aortic spindleHis-Tawara system - the complex system of interlacing Purkinje fibers within the ventricular myocardium.Kent-His bundle - Synonym(s): His bundle


Wilhelm, Sr., Swiss anatomist and embryologist in Germany, 1831-1904. duct of His - Synonym(s): Bochdalek ductHis copula - a median elevation in the floor of the embryonic pharynx that is incorporated in the root of the tongue. Synonym(s): hypobranchial eminenceHis line - a line dividing the face into an upper and a lower, or dental part.His perivascular space - Synonym(s): Virchow-Robin spaceHis rule - an obsolete calculation for the duration of pregnancy.isthmus of His - the anterior portion of the rhombencephalon connecting with the mesencephalon. Synonym(s): rhombencephalic isthmus