(jargon)The more immediate origin of the word is "Mad" Magazine. Inthe late 1950s and early 1960s it used the word along the samelines, especially in its send-ups of big business. "NorthAmerican Veeblefetzer" was the subject of satires of an annualreports, an in-house newsletter, and more. A Veeblefetzer, intheir case, was a robot-like device that did something orother.
The more distant source was probably a 19th century yiddishword, possibly with limited usage. In German, "Fetzer" is anycontraption, while "Veeble" is a likely corruption of "Webel"-- meaning weaving. Textile mills of this period were crammedwith very complicated, wildly active and very loud pieces ofmachinery.
See also veeblefester.