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scopophilia Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.scopophilia (ˌskɒpəˈfɪlɪə) or scoptophilian (Psychiatry) the condition or act of gaining sexual pleasure from openly looking at sex organs or actsscopophiliaPsychiatry. 1. Also called passive scopophilia. the deriving of sexual pleasure from viewing nude bodies, sexual acts, or erotic photographs; voyeurism. 2. Also called active scopophilia, scoptophilia. an abnormal desire to be seen, especially genitally; exhibitionism. — scopophiliac, n. — scopophilic, adj.See also: SexTranslationsscopophilia Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.scopophilia[‚s̈käp·ə′fil·ē·ə] (psychology) Sexual stimulation from looking at the unclad human figure; observed chiefly in normal adolescent and adult males where it takes the aim-inhibited form of “girl watching” or looking at nude or seminude females in magazines or as part of some stage performance, or where it may be sublimated as scientific curiosity; when present to a pathologic degree, it is deviant and called voyeurism. scopophilia Note: This page may contain terms or definitions that are offensive or inappropriate for some readers.scopophilia [sko″po-fil´e-ah] usually, voyeurism, but the disorder is sometimes divided into active and passive forms, active scopophilia being voyeurism and passive scopophilia being exhibitionism.voy·eur·ism (voy'yur-izm), The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by looking, especially at the naked body or genitals of another or at erotic acts between others. Synonym(s): scopophilia [Fr. voir, to see] A paraphilia in which sexuoerotism hinges on watching others engaging in sexual intercoursevoy·eur·ism (vwah'yur-izm) The practice of obtaining sexual pleasure by looking at the naked body or genitals of another or at erotic acts between others. Synonym(s): scopophilia. [Fr. voir, to see]ThesaurusSeevoyeurism |