

单词 they



T0162200 (thā)pron.1. Used to refer to the ones previously mentioned or implied.2. a. Used to refer to the one previously mentioned or implied, especially as a substitute for generic he: Every person has rights under the law, but they don't always know them.b. Used as a singular personal pronoun for someone who does not identify as either male or female. See Usage Note below.3. a. Used to refer to people in general.b. Used to refer to people in general as seen in a position of authority.
[Middle English, from Old Norse their, masculine pl. demonstrative and personal pron.; see to- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: The use of the plural pronouns they, them, themselves, or their with a grammatically singular antecedent dates back at least to 1300, and such constructions have been used by many admired writers, including William Makepeace Thackeray ("A person can't help their birth"), George Bernard Shaw ("To do a person in means to kill them"), and Anne Morrow Lindbergh ("When you love someone you do not love them all the time"). Despite the apparent grammatical disagreement between a singular antecedent like someone and the plural pronoun them, the construction is so widespread both in print and in speech that it often passes unnoticed. There are several reasons for its appeal. Forms of they are useful as gender-neutral substitutes for generic he and for coordinate forms like his/her or his or her (which can sound clumsy when repeated). Nevertheless, the clash in number can be jarring to writers and readers, and many people dislike they with a singular antecedent. This includes much of the Usage Panel, though their resistance has declined over time. Resistance remains strongest when the sentence refers to a specific individual whose gender is unknown, rather than to a generic individual representative of anyone: in our 2015 survey, 58 percent of the Panel found We thank the anonymous reviewer for their helpful comments unacceptable. A sentence with a generic antecedent, A person at that level should not have to keep track of the hours they put in, was rejected by 48 percent (a substantial change from our 1996 survey, in which 80 percent rejected this same sentence). As for the use of they with antecedents such as anyone and everyone, pronouns that are grammatically singular but carry a plural meaning, by 2008, a majority of the Panel accepted such sentences as If anyone calls, tell them I can't come to the phone (56 percent) and Everyone returned to their seats (59 percent). For those who wish to avoid the apparent clash of number, some of these sentences can be recast in the plural: People at that level should not have to keep track of the hours they put in. Unfortunately, the option is unavailable when the referent must be singular: Lindbergh's sentence cannot be recast as When you love people, you do not love them all the time without drastically changing its meaning, nor can the sentence about the anonymous reviewer. · The recent use of singular they for a known person who identifies as neither male nor female remains controversial; as of 2015 only 27 percent of the Panelists accepted Scout was born male, but now they do not identify as either traditional gender. With regard to this last sentence, the Panel's responses showed a clear generational shift: the approval rate was 4 percent among Panelists born before 1945 and 40 percent among Panelists born later. See Usage Notes at anyone, he1.Word History: Incredible as it may seem, the English pronoun they is not a native English pronoun. They comes from Old Norse and is a classic example of the profound impact of that language on English: because pronouns are among the most basic elements of a language, it is rare for them to be replaced by borrowings from foreign sources. The Old Norse pronouns their, theira, theim worked their way south from the Danelaw, the region governed by the Old Norse-speaking invaders of England, and first appeared in English about 1200, gradually replacing the Old English words hīe, hīora, him. The nominative or subject case (modern English they) seems to have spread first. William Caxton, who brought the printing press to England, uses they, hir, hem in his earlier printed works (after 1475) and thei, their, theim in his later ones. This is clear evidence of the spread of these Norse forms southward, since Caxton did not speak northern English natively (he was born in Westminster). The native English plural him or hem may well survive, at least colloquially, in modern English 'em, as in "Give 'em back!"


(ðeɪ) pron (subjective) 1. refers to people or things other than the speaker or people addressed: they fight among themselves. 2. refers to unspecified people or people in general not including the speaker or people addressed: in Australia they have Christmas in the summer. 3. not standard refers to an indefinite antecedent such as one, whoever, or anybody: if anyone objects, they can go. 4. an archaic word for those: blessed are they that mourn. [C12: thei from Old Norse their, masculine nominative plural, equivalent to Old English thā]Usage: It was formerly considered correct to use he, him, or his after pronouns such as everyone, no-one, anyone, or someone as in everyone did his best, but it is now more common to use they, them, or their, and this use has become acceptable in all but the most formal contexts: everyone did their best



pron.pl. poss. their theirs, obj. them. 1. nominative plural of he, she, and it. 2. people in general: They say he's rich. 3. (used with an indefinite singular antecedent in place of the definite masculine he or the definite feminine she): Whoever is of voting age, whether they are interested in politics or not, should vote. [1150–1200; Middle English < Old Norse their they (replacing Old English hī(e)), c. Old English thā, pl. of thæt that] usage: Long before the use of generic he1 was condemned as sexist, the pronouns they, their, and them were used in educated speech and in all but the most formal writing to refer to indefinite pronouns and to singular nouns of general personal reference, probably because such nouns are often not felt to be exclusively singular: If anyone calls, tell them I'll be back at six. Everyone began looking for their books at once. Shakespeare, Swift, Shelley, Scott, and Dickens, as well as many other English and American writers, have used they and its forms to refer to singular antecedents. Although rejected as ungrammatical by some usage critics, this use of they, their, and them is increasing in all but the most conservatively edited American English. This increased use is at least partly impelled by the desire to avoid the sexist implications of he as a pronoun of general reference. See also he1.


– she">she – they1. 'he'

He, him, his, and himself are sometimes used to refer back to an indefinite pronoun or to a word such as person, child, or student.

If anybody complained about this, he was told that things would soon get back to normal.It won't hurt a child to have his meals at a different time.

Many people object to this use because it suggests that the person referred to is male.

2. 'he or she'

You can sometimes use he or she, him or her, his or her, or himself or herself.

A parent may feel that he or she has nothing to give a child.Anyone can call himself or herself a psychologist, even if untrained and unqualified.

Many people avoid these expressions because they think they sound clumsy and unnatural, especially when more than one of them is used in the same sentence.

In writing, some people use s/he to mean he or she.

3. 'they'

Most people use they, them, and their.

Everyone thinks they know what the problems of living with a teenager are.Often when we touch someone we are demonstrating our love for them.Don't hope to change anyone or their attitudes.

This use used to be considered incorrect, but it is now the most common form in both spoken and written English, and is used in formal and informal writing.

It is often possible to avoid all the above uses. You can sometimes do this by using plurals. For example, instead of saying 'Every student has his own room', you can say 'All the students have their own rooms'. Instead of saying 'Anyone who goes inside must take off his shoes', you can say 'People who go inside must take off their shoes'.


– you">you – we">we – they1. 'one'

One is sometimes an impersonal pronoun, showing that something is generally done or should generally be done.

One doesn't talk about politics at parties.

You can also use the possessive determiner one's and the reflexive pronoun oneself.

Naturally, one wants only the best for one's children.We all understood the fear of making a fool of oneself.

One, one's, and oneself are fairly formal. Here are some other ways in which you can say that something is generally done or should be done:

2. 'you'

You can use you, your, yours and yourself, as we usually do in this book.

There are things that have to be done and you do them and you never talk about them.Ignoring your neighbours is rude.
3. 'we'

You can use we, us, our, ours, and ourselves to say that something is generally done by a group of people that includes yourself.

We say things in the heat of an argument that we don't really mean.There are things we can all do to make ourselves and our children happier.
4. 'they'

They can sometimes mean people in general, or a group of people whose identity is not actually stated.

They found the body in the river.

Some people use they when they are mentioning a saying or repeating a piece of gossip.

They say that the camera never lies – but it doesn't always show the full picture.He made a fortune, they say.

They, them, their, theirs, and themselves are also used to refer to words such as everyone and anyone, person, child, and student.

See he - she - they
5. 'people'

You can use people. This is also a fairly common use.

People shouldn't leave jobs unfinished.I don't think people should make promises they don't mean to keep.
6. the passive

Instead of using one of these words and an active verb, you can sometimes use a passive verb. This is a fairly common use in formal writing.

If there is increasing pain, medical advice should be taken.Bookings must be made before the end of December.


They can be the subject of a verb. You use they to refer to people or things that have just been mentioned or whose identity is known.

All universities have chancellors. They are always rather senior people.The women had not expected a visitor and they were in their everyday clothes.

Be Careful!
When the subject of a sentence is followed by a relative clause, don't use 'they' in front of the main verb. Don't say, for example, 'The people who live next door, they keep chickens'. Say 'The people who live next door keep chickens'.

Two children who were rescued from a fire are now in hospital.The girls who had been following him suddenly stopped.

They can refer to people in general, or to a group of people whose identity is not actually stated.

They say that former nurses make the worst patients.Mercury is the stuff they put in thermometers.See one - you - we - they

You can also use they instead of 'he or she' to refer to an individual person whose sex is not known or not stated.

I was going to stay with a friend, but they were ill.See he - she - they

Be Careful!
Don't use 'they' with are to say that a number of things exist or are in a particular place. Don't say, for example, 'They are two bottles of juice in the fridge'. Say 'There are two bottles of juice in the fridge'.

There are always plenty of jobs to be done.See there


(ðei) pronoun (used only as the subject of a verb). 1. persons, animals or things already spoken about, being pointed out etc. They are in the garden. 他(她、它)們 他(她、它)们 2. used instead of he, ~he or she etc when the person's sex is unknown or when people of both sexes are being referred to. If anyone does that, they are to be severely punished. (指不分性別的)人們 (指不分性别的)人们




  • (not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
  • (one had) better be going
  • (one had) better get moving
  • (one had) better get on (one's) horse
  • (one) (has) never had it so good
  • (one) ain't particular
  • (one) can do worse
  • (one) can hardly believe (one's) eyes
  • (one) can scarcely believe (one's) eyes
  • (one) can whistle for it
  • (one) can't beat (something)
  • (one) can't beat that
  • (one) can't believe (one's) ears
  • (one) can't take (someone) anywhere
  • (one) can't win
  • (one) can't win for losing
  • (one) could be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) could do worse
  • (one) could stand (something)
  • (one) could use (something)
  • (one) does not wash (one's) dirty linen in public
  • (one) doesn't give a hoot (about something)
  • (one) doesn't give a rip (about something)
  • (one) doesn't have a problem with that
  • (one) doesn't miss a trick
  • (one) figures (that)
  • (one) has a bright future ahead (of one)
  • (one) has made (one's) bed
  • (one) has made (one's) bed and (one) will have to lie in it
  • (one) has no problem with that
  • (one) has to draw a/the line somewhere
  • (one) has to run along
  • (one) has to shove off
  • (one) hasn't lived (until)
  • (one) is (just) too much
  • (one) is going to kill (someone)
  • (one) is going to murder (someone)
  • (one) is not as green as (one) is cabbage-looking
  • (one) is not going to bite (someone)
  • (one) is not going to eat (someone)
  • (one) made (one's) (own) bed
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) has to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) must lie in it
  • (one) might be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) might do worse
  • (one) needs to get out more
  • (one) never would have guessed
  • (one) only has one pair of hands
  • (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
  • (one) should be so lucky
  • (one) will be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) will be lucky
  • (one) will get (one's)
  • (one) will kill (someone)
  • (one) will murder (someone)
  • (one) won't (do something) again in a hurry
  • (one) won't be (doing something) again in a hurry
  • (one) won't bite (someone)
  • (one) won't eat (someone)
  • (one) won't give up without a fight
  • (one) would be forgiven for (doing something)
  • (one) would be lucky
  • (one) would do well to (do something)
  • (one) wouldn't (do something) again in a hurry
  • (one's) only got one pair of hands
  • (someone had) better keep quiet about it
  • (someone had) better keep still about it
  • (someone or something) promises well
  • (someone or something) rules
  • (someone) (just) doesn't know when to quit
  • (someone) ain't seen nothing yet
  • (someone) could sell an icebox to an Eskimo
  • (someone) could sell ice to Eskimos
  • (someone) could sell sawdust to a lumber mill
  • (someone) hasn't seen nothing yet
  • (someone) is endgame
  • (someone) is not going to thank you for (something)
  • (someone) started it
  • (someone) won't thank you for (something)
  • (the) last (one) heard
  • (the) next thing (one) knows
  • all yours
  • an offer (one) can't refuse
  • as (one) pleases
  • as (something) as they come
  • as as they come
  • as best (one) can
  • as clever, stupid, etc. as they come
  • as far as (one) knows
  • as far as (someone or something) is concerned
  • as if (one) owns the place
  • as much as (one) could do (not) (to do something)
  • as naked as the day (one) was born
  • as they say
  • be (not) as black as (someone or something) is painted
  • be all (one) could do (not) to (do something)
  • be all in
  • be as (something) as they come
  • be half the (something) (one) used to be
  • be not all it's cracked up to be
  • be not what it's cracked up to be
  • be not worth the paper it's printed on
  • be twice the man/woman that (someone) is
  • before (one) can blink
  • before (one) can say Jack Robinson
  • before (one) could blink
  • bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • bigger they come, the harder they fall, the
  • bite off more than (one) can chew
  • can barely hear (oneself) think
  • can hardly hear (oneself) think
  • can't fight City Hall, one/you/they
  • can't say fairer than that
  • church ain't out till they quit singing
  • count chickens before they hatch
  • count one's chickens before they hatch
  • count your chickens before they hatch
  • count your chickens before they're hatched
  • cross a/that bridge before (one) comes to it
  • cross that bridge when (one) comes to it
  • cry before (one) is hurt
  • curse the day (one) was born
  • damned if (one) does and damned if (one) doesn't
  • damned if I/you/they do, damned if I/you don't
  • damned if you do and damned if you don't
  • damned if you do, damned if you don't
  • deserve a medal
  • did everything he could 'cept eat us
  • don't count your chickens before they hatch
  • don't count your chickens before they're hatched
  • every time I turn around
  • faster than you can say Jack Robinson
  • for all (one) cares
  • for all (one) is worth
  • for all (one) knows
  • from Missouri
  • get (one) where (one) lives
  • get more than (one) bargained for
  • get what (one) deserves
  • give (one) an inch and (one) will take a mile
  • give (someone) an inch and they'll take a mile
  • give an inch and they'll take a mile
  • give someone an inch and they'll take a mile
  • gives as good as (one) gets
  • hang up (one's) fiddle when (one) comes home
  • have (one's) druthers
  • here/there (one) goes again
  • hit (one) when (one) is down
  • hit (one) where (one) lives
  • hit somebody when they're down
  • how dare (someone)
  • How is (one) fixed (for something)?
  • How is (someone) getting along?
  • How is (someone) making out?
  • How they hanging?
  • How’re they hanging?
  • I take it
  • if (one) is a day
  • if (one) knows what's good for (one)
  • if (one's) a day
  • if frogs had wheels, they wouldn't bump their butts
  • if pigs had wings, they would/could fly
  • it's/they're all yours
  • kick (one) when (one) is down
  • kick somebody when they're down
  • kick someone when they are down
  • know what (one) is about
  • know what (one) is doing
  • know what (one) is talking about
  • know what (one) likes
  • know where (one) is going
  • know where (one) is with (someone or something)
  • know where (one) stands
  • let the chips fall (where they may)
  • let the chips fall where they may
  • look as if (one) has seen a ghost
  • look as though (one) has seen a ghost
  • look before you leap
  • make (something) up as (one) goes (along)
  • mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small
  • mills of the gods grind slowly(, but they grind exceedingly fine)
  • more than (one) bargained for
  • more than (one) can bear
  • more than (one) can endure
  • need (something) (about) as much as (one) needs a hole in the head
  • need (something) like (one) needs a hole in the head
  • need (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • neither can (one)
  • neither does (one)
  • no better than (one) ought to be
  • no better than (one) should be
  • not all (someone or something) is cracked up to be
  • not all it's cracked up to be
  • not as black as (one) is painted
  • not as young as (one) used to be
  • not bothered
  • not count your chickens
  • not for nothing
  • not for nothing do I, will they, etc....
  • not know (one is) born
  • not know if (one) is afoot or on horseback
  • not know if (one) is coming or going
  • not know what (one is) missing
  • not know whether (one) is coming or going
  • not worth the paper it's written on
  • now (one's) cooking (with gas)
  • now (someone) has gone and done it
  • off (someone or something) goes
  • pay as (one) goes
  • pick (something) up where (one) left off
  • pick up what (one) is putting down
  • play the hand (one) is dealt
  • promises are like pie crust(s): (they are) made to be broken
  • puts (one's) trousers on one leg at a time (just like everybody else)
  • quicker than you can say Jack Robinson
  • quit while (one) is ahead
  • recognize (someone or something) for what (someone or something) is
  • rue the day (that something happened)
  • see (one) for what (one) (really) is
  • see (to it) that (something happens)
  • see somebody/something for what they are/it is
  • shop till (one) drops
  • so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • so clean (that) (one) could eat off the floor(s)
  • so does (one)
  • so far as (one) knows
  • so mad (that) (one) could scream
  • speak as (one) finds
  • stand corrected
  • stoop to conquer
  • such as it is
  • take (something) as it comes
  • take it with (one) (when one goes)
  • take up where (one) left off
  • talk till (one) is blue in the face
  • talk until (one) is blue in the face
  • tell (one) what (one) can do with (something)
  • that's what (someone) thinks
  • the bigger they are, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come, the harder they fall
  • the bigger they come/are, the harder they fall
  • the company (one) keeps
  • the last thing (one) needs
  • the last thing (one) wants
  • the least (one) can do
  • the least (one) could do
  • the mills of God grind slowly(, but they grind exceedingly fine)
  • the more things change, the more they stay the same
  • the price (one) has to pay
  • there are plenty more where that/(one) came from
  • They also serve who only stand and wait
  • they broke the mold when they made (someone or something)
  • they broke the mould when they made someone
  • They don't make them like they used to
  • They must have seen you coming
  • they that live longest see most
  • They went that a'way
  • they're only after one thing
  • Things are seldom what they seem
  • think (one) hung the moon
  • think (one) owns the place
  • think (someone) hung the moon and the stars
  • three strikes and (one's) out
  • till (one) (is) blue in the face
  • until (one) is blue in the face
  • want (something) like (one wants) a hole in the head
  • want (something) so bad (that) (one) can taste it
  • we, you, he, etc. can/could/might do worse
  • what (one) has coming
  • what (one) is driving at
  • what (one) is made of
  • what (one) says goes
  • What did (someone) do with (something)?
  • What does (one) know?
  • What has (someone) done with (something)?
  • What is (one) driving at?
  • What is (one) getting at?
  • What is (one) waiting for?
  • What is (someone) playing at?
  • What more do you want, jam on it?
  • What planet is (someone) on?
  • what was (one) smoking
  • what you don't know won't hurt you
  • whatever (one) says goes
  • when (one) is least expecting it
  • when (one) least expects it
  • when (one) was a twinkle in (one's) father's eye
  • where (one) is coming from
  • where (one) lives
  • Who does (someone) think (they) are?
  • who does somebody think they are?
  • Who is (one) to (do something)?
  • who's (someone) when (he's/she's/they're) at home
  • who's someone when they're at home
  • will have none of (something)
  • work till you drop
  • work until you drop
  • worship the ground (one) walks on
  • wouldn't know (something) if (one) fell over one
  • you can dispense with (something)
  • you look a little peaked
  • you look like a million
  • you name it, (one's) got it
  • you saved the day
  • you're on


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