transverse cervical artery

trans·verse cer·vi·cal ar·ter·y

[TA] origin, thyrocervical trunk; branches, superficial (superficial cervical) and deep (descending scapular). Synonym(s): arteria transversa colli [TA], arteria transversa cervicis ☆ , transverse artery of neck

transverse cervical artery

(1) Descending scapular artery; arteria dorsalis scapulae [NA].
(2) Transverse cervical artery; arteria transversa cervicis [NA].

trans·verse cer·vi·cal ar·te·ry

(trans-vĕrs' sĕr'vi-kăl ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Origin, thyrocervical trunk; branches, superficial (superficial cervical) and deep (descending scapular).
Synonym(s): arteria transversa colli [TA] , transverse artery of neck.

transverse cervical artery

A branch of the thyrocervical trunk (from the subclavian artery); it runs posteriorly through the lower neck. Its branches supply blood to the trapezius muscle and to the medial scapula. See also: artery