strawberry nevus

straw·ber·ry ne·vus

a small nevus vascularis (capillary hemangioma) resembling a strawberry in size, shape, and color; it usually disappears spontaneously in early childhood. See: capillary hemangioma. Synonym(s): strawberry birthmark
A raised, irregular, bright-red capillary haemangioma or reactive proliferation of small subdermal vessels seen in infancy, which expands aggressively for several years and then involutes or disappears—90% are gone by age 7
Management Excision if necessary or high-dose prednisone

straw·ber·ry ne·vus

, strawberry mark (straw'ber-ē nē'vŭs, mahrk) A small nevus vascularis (capillary hemangioma) resembling a strawberry in size, shape, and color; it usually disappears spontaneously in early childhood.
See also: capillary hemangioma

strawberry nevus

1. Vascular nevus.2. Infantile hemangioma.See also: nevus