

单词 synapse




S0962600 (sĭn′ăps′, sĭ-năps′)n. The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.intr.v. syn·apsed, syn·aps·ing, syn·aps·es 1. To form a synapse.2. To undergo synapsis.
[Greek sunapsis, point of contact, from sunaptein, to join together : sun-, syn- + haptein, to fasten.]


(ˈsaɪnæps) n (Physiology) the point at which a nerve impulse is relayed from the terminal portion of an axon to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron


(ˈsɪn æps, sɪˈnæps)

n., v. -apsed, -aps•ing. n. 1. a. a region where nerve impulses are transmitted across a small gap from an axon terminal to an adjacent structure, as another axon or the end plate of a muscle. b. Also called synap′tic gap′. the gap itself. v.i. 2. to form a synapse or a synapsis. [1895–1900; back formation from synapses, pl. of synapsis]


(sĭn′ăps′) The gap across which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another nerve cell, a muscle cell, or a gland cell.


The junction between two neurons.
Noun1.synapse - the junction between two neurons (axon-to-dendrite) or between a neuron and a muscle; "nerve impulses cross a synapse through the action of neurotransmitters"myoneural junction, neuromuscular junction - the junction between a nerve fiber and the muscle it suppliesnerve, nervus - any bundle of nerve fibers running to various organs and tissues of the bodycolligation, conjugation, conjunction, junction - the state of being joined together



(sĭn`ăps), junction between various signal-transmitter cells, either between two neurons or between a neuron and a muscle or gland. A nerve impulse reaches the synapse through the axon, or transmitting end, of a nerve cell, or neuron. Most axons have terminal knobs that respond to the impulse by releasing a chemical substance known as a neurotransmitter. Crossing a gap of less than a millionth of an inch (the synaptic cleft), the neurotransmitter contacts the adjacent muscle, gland, or nerve cell or its branch receptor sites, called dendrites. Neurotransmitters known to scientists today include acetylcholineacetylcholine
, a small organic molecule liberated at nerve endings as a neurotransmitter. It is particularly important in the stimulation of muscle tissue. The transmission of an impulse to the end of the nerve causes it to release neurotransmitter molecules onto the surface of
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, epinephrine, and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters either excite or inhibit the recipient cell, depending on the particular reaction between the two. In other words, a neurotransmitter may inhibit activity in the post-synapse cell when attached to a certain receptor, but may excite activity when attached to others. If sufficiently excited, the second cell transmits the impulse, typically to a muscle, gland, or another synapse. An electric synapse, unlike a chemical one, uses channels known as gap junctions to permit direct transmission of signals between neurons. Such synapses are found in the human body, within many organs and in the glial cells of the nervous system. Electrical synapses are also found among invertebrates and some lower vertebrates.



a specialized functional contact between excitable cells that transmits and transforms signals. The term “synapse” was introduced by the English physiologist C. Sherrington in 1897 to designate a contact between neurons. Contacts between neuronal axons and the cells of organs that perform particular functions are often defined as junctions, although they are a type of synapse. Synapses are the only pathways along which neurons can communicate with one another, and as such, they ensure all the principal manifestations of nervous-system activity and the integrative activity of the brain. A synapse includes a presynaptic portion (synaptic ending), a synaptic cleft, which separates two cells, and a postsynaptic portion, which is the part of a cell adjacent to a synaptic ending.

In most cases, interneuronal synapses are formed by the ax-onal endings of certain nerve cells and the body, dendrites, or axons of others. Accordingly, axosomatic, axodendritic, and axaxonic synapses are distinguished. Dendrite surfaces predominate, and consequently, axodendritic synapses are most commonly found. The number of synaptic contacts on different neurons of the central nervous system greatly varies. Hundreds or thousands of separate presynaptic fibers terminate on some cells, whereas other neurons have a single synapse. A large neuron of the reticular formation of the brain stem receives more than 4,000 synaptic contacts; on some cells the approximate number of synaptic contacts is more than 10,000–20,000. The density of synapses on the surface of a neuron may reach 15–20 per 100 square micrometers.

Figure 1. (a) Schematic of synapses with chemical and electrical transmission mechanisms (current flow is indicated by arrows): (e) excitation, (i) inhibition; chemical transmission is effected between the first and third cells, and electrical transmission between the second and third cells, (b) Presynaptic nerve ending with synaptic vesicles distributed inside.

Synapses may be excitatory or inhibitory, depending on whether they activate or suppress the activity of a given cell. In either case, transmission through a synapse may be effected by means of a chemical or electrical mechanism. There are also mixed synapses, which combine chemical and electrical transmission mechanisms. Most commonly found are synapses with chemical mechanisms, in which signals are transmitted from presynaptic to postsynaptic membranes by means of mediators — chemical compounds whose molecules are capable of reacting with the specific receptors of a postsynaptic membrane. Mediators change the permeability of a postsynaptic membrane to ions, generating a local, nonregenerative potential. In an electrical synapse the current from an activated presynaptic membrane acts directly on a postsynaptic membrane.

Synapses with chemical and electrical transmission mechanisms are characterized by specific structural features. In synapses with the chemical transmission mechanisms the presynaptic ending includes synaptic vesicles, which contain high concentrations of a mediator. Presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are separated by a synaptic cleft, which is usually 150–200 angstroms (Å) in width, although in some synapses the width reaches 1,000 Å or more. Synaptic vesicles have a tendency to become concentrated at the internal surface of a presynaptic membrane, opposite a synaptic cleft. They may emerge from a synapse’s presynaptic ending at breaks in the membrane, penetrate the synaptic cleft, and make contact with the postsynaptic membrane. The arrangement and number of synaptic vesicles vary as a result of nervous activity.

A postsynaptic membrane in a chemical synapse is characterized by swellings containing special active zones that are apparently associated with the membrane’s specialization as a chemoreceptor. In an electrical synapse the cleft between presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes is absent, and the complete coalescence of the membranes is sometimes observed. Both types of synapse are illustrated schematically in Figure 1,a. A chemical synapse’s presynaptic ending packed with presynaptic vesicles is shown in Figure 1,b.

Excitatory or inhibitory effects in a synapse with a chemical reaction are produced by a series of processes. The nerve impulse, upon arriving at a presynaptic ending, depolarizes the presynaptic membrane, whose permeability to calcium ions is increased. The entry of calcium ions into a synapse’s presynaptic ending releases a mediator, which diffuses through the synaptic cleft and reacts with the receptors of the postsynaptic membrane. This reaction usually results in an increase in the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to one or more ions and to the generation of a postsynaptic potential. In excitatory synapses sodium conductivity increases, sometimes simultaneously with potassium conductivity, which leads to the depolarization and excitation of a postsynaptic cell. In inhibitory synapses the permeability of the postsynaptic membrane to chloride ions increases, sometimes simultaneously with potassium-ion permeability; this effect is usually accompanied by hyper-polarization.

The increase in the conductivity of a postsynaptic membrane, which shunts excitatory effects, is of the greatest significance in effecting synaptic inhibition. A mediator may also act on the metabolic processes of a postsynaptic neuron, producing prolonged postsynaptic potentials. In synapses with electrical mechanisms the currents of a presynaptic ending act directly on the postsynaptic cell without the participation of an intermediate chemical link because of the almost complete absence of a synaptic cleft; in such cases, the width of the cleft measures no more than 20 A. Thus, the shunting of the current flowing from a presynaptic cell to a postsynaptic cell is eliminated. The impulse generated in a presynaptic membrane is transmitted to a postsynaptic membrane passively and electrotonically, as if along cables (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Equivalent circuit of intercellular coupling by means of an electrotonic synapse: (fl) resistance (Rr is the coupling resistance), (C) capacitance, (V) recorded potential, (i) applied current (subscripts 1 and 2 indicate cells on both sides of the synapse)

In electrotonic synapses channels permit the molecules of low-molecular-weight compounds to pass from the cytoplasm of one cell to the cytoplasm of another. The channels do not communicate with the extracellular space and are absent in other areas of the membrane. Most neural activity can be effected by means of chemical and electrotonic synapses. Electrotonic synapses ensure the rapidity and stability of transmission and are less sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. A chemical mechanism more reliably ensures unidirectional conduction and makes it possible to change the effectiveness of a synapse as a result of preceding activity.


Eccles, J. Fiziologiia sinapsov. Moscow, 1966 (Translated from English.)
Katz, B. Nerv, myshtsa i sinaps. Moscow, 1968. (Translated from English.)
Akert, K. “Sravnenie dvigatel’nykh kontsevykh plastinok i tsentral’-nykh sinapsov: Ul’trastrukturnoe issledovanie.” Zhurnal evoliutsion-noi biokhimii ifiziologii, 1975, vol. 11, no.2.
DeRobertis, E. D. Histophysiology of Synapses and Neurosecretion. Oxford, 1964.
Structure and Function of Synapses. Edited by G. D. Pappas and D. P. Purpura. New York, 1972.
Shapovalov, A. I. “Neuronal Organization and Synaptic Mechanisms of Supraspinal Motor Control in Vertebrates.” Rev. Physiol., Biochem., and Pharmacol., 1975, vol. 72.



[′si‚naps] (neuroscience) A site where the axon of one neuron comes into contact with and influences the dendrites of another neuron or a cell body.


the point at which a nerve impulse is relayed from the terminal portion of an axon to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron



 [sin´aps] the junction between the processes of two neurons or between a neuron and an effector organ, where neural impulses are transmitted by chemical means. The impulse causes the release of a neurotransmitter (e.g., acetylcholine or norepinephrine) from the presynaptic membrane of the axon terminal. The neurotransmitter molecules diffuse across the synaptic cleft, bind with specific receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, causing depolarization or hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic cell. See also neuron.Components of a synapse. From Applegate, 2000.axoaxonic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the axon of another neuron.axodendritic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another.axodendrosomatic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites and body of another.axosomatic synapse one between the axon of one neuron and the body of another.dendrodendritic synapse one from a dendrite of one cell to a dendrite of another.electrotonic synapse a special type of gap junction found in tissue such as the myocardium.


, pl.


(sin'aps, sĭ-naps'; sy-nap'sez), Avoid mispronouncing the plural of this English word sin-ap'sēz.The functional membrane-to-membrane contact of the nerve cell with another nerve cell, an effector (muscle or gland) cell, or a sensory receptor cell. The synapse subserves the transmission of nerve impulses, commonly from a variably large (1-12 mcm), generally knob-shaped or club-shaped axon terminal (the presynaptic element) to the circumscript patch of the receiving cell's plasma membrane (the postsynaptic element) on which the synapse occurs. In most cases, the impulse is transmitted by means of a chemical transmitter substance (such as acetylcholine, γ-aminobutyric acid, dopamine, or norepinephrine) released into a synaptic cleft (15-50 nm wide) that separates the presynaptic from the postsynaptic membrane; the transmitter is stored in quantal form in round or ellipsoid, membrane-bound synaptic vesicles (10-50 nm in diameter) in the presynaptic element. In other synapses, transmission takes place by direct propagation of the bioelectrical potential from the presynaptic to the postsynaptic membrane; in such electrotonic synapses ("gap junctions"), the synaptic cleft is no more than about 2 nm wide. In most cases, synaptic transmission takes place in only one direction ("dynamic polarity" of the synapse), but in some synapses synaptic vesicles occur on both sides of the synaptic cleft, which suggest the possibility of reciprocal chemical transmission. [syn- + G. hapto, to clasp]


(sĭn′ăps′, sĭ-năps′)n. The junction across which a nerve impulse passes from an axon terminal to a neuron, muscle cell, or gland cell.intr.v. syn·apsed, syn·apsing, syn·apses 1. To form a synapse.2. To undergo synapsis.


(sin'aps) The functional membrane-to-membrane contact of the nerve cell with another nerve cell, an effector (muscle, gland) cell, or a sensory receptor cell. The synapse subserves the transmission of nerve impulses, commonly from a club-shaped axon terminal (the presynaptic element) to the circumscript patch of the plasma membrane of the receiving cell (the postsynaptic element) on which the synapse occurs. In most cases, the impulse is transmitted by means of a chemical transmitter substance (such as acetylcholine, gamma-aminobutyric acid, dopamine, norepinephrine) released into a synaptic cleft that separates the presynaptic from the postsynaptic membrane; the transmitter is stored in synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic element. In other synapses, transmission takes place by direct propagation of the bioelectrical potential from the presynaptic to the postsynaptic membrane.
Synonym(s): synapsis.
[syn- + G. hapto, to clasp]


S26-925660 (sin'aps) [Gr. synapsis, point of contact] SYNAPSE: Axon terminal synapseThe space between the junction of two neurons in a neural pathway, where the termination of the axon of one neuron comes into close proximity with the cell body or dendrites of another. The electrical impulse traveling along a presynaptic neuron to the end of its axon releases a chemical neurotransmitter that stimulates or inhibits an electrical impulse in the postsynaptic neuron; synaptic transmission is in one direction only. Synapses are susceptible to fatigue, offer a resistance to the passage of impulses, and are markedly susceptible to the effects of oxygen deficiency, anesthetics, and other agents, including therapeutic drugs and toxic chemicals. Synonym: synapsis (1) See: illustration

axodendritic synapse

The synapse between an axon of one neuron and the dendrites of another.

axodendrosomatic synapse

The synapse between the axon of one neuron and the dendrites and cell body of another.

axosomatic synapse

The synapse between the axon of one neuron and the cell body of another.


The junctional area between two connected nerves, or between a nerve and the effector organ (a muscle fibre or a gland). Nerve impulses are transmitted across a synapse by means of a chemical NEUROTRANSMITTER such as ACETYLCHOLINE or NORADRENALINE. Synapses allow impulses to pass in one direction only and single brain cells may have more than 15 000 synapses with other cells. This complexity, allowing logical ‘gate’ operation, partly or wholly underlies the computational and storage abilities of the brain.


  1. the point at which one nerve cell connects with another and at which transmission of an impulse takes place by chemical means. When an impulse arrives at a synapse it causes a synaptic vesicle to move towards the presynaptic membrane. On contacting the membrane it discharges the contained transmitter substance into the synaptic cleft, across which it diffuses to the postsynaptic membrane which it depolarizes. This causes a positive charge to develop (excitory postsynaptic potential -EPSP) because of sodium ions flowing into the post synaptic nerve cell. When the positive charge builds up sufficiently it generates an action potential which is usually unidirectional. See ENDPLATE, MOTOR and Fig. 148 .
  2. the point of contact of homologous regions of DNA prior to RECOMBINATION, as in the pairing of homologous chromosomes during MEIOSIS.


A connection between nerve cells, by which nervous excitation is transferred from one cell to the other.Mentioned in: Alpha 1 -Adrenergic Blockers, Cocaine


The place where a nerve impulse is transmitted from one neuron to another. This transmission is usually mediated by neurotransmitters (e.g. acetylcholine, noradrenaline (norepinephrine), glutamate, etc.) that are released by the presynaptic neuron, then diffuse across the synaptic cleft (about 20-50 nm wide) to bind to receptor sites on the postsynaptic membrane and generate an electrical change in the postsynaptic neuron, which results in either depolarization (excitation) or hyperpolarization (inhibition). This is often referred to as a chemical synapse. There is another type of synapse called an electrotonic synapse (electrical synapse) in which electrical impulses are transmitted via ionic currents from one neuron to another by direct propagation across a gap junction (2-3nm wide). Electrotonic synapses are rare in vertebrates and have been found at only a few central nervous sites. It is estimated that a cortical neuron, for example, makes some 5000-10 000 synapses with surrounding neurons. See neuron; neurotransmitter; receptor potential.


, pl. synapses (sin'aps, -ĕz) Functional membrane-to-membrane contact of nerve cell with another. [syn- + G. hapto, to clasp]


SYNAPSESystems of Neuromorphic Adaptive Plastic Scalable Electronics (US DARPA)
SYNAPSESymposium for Young Neuroscientists and Professors of the Southeast


  • noun

Words related to synapse

noun the junction between two neurons (axon-to-dendrite) or between a neuron and a muscle

Related Words

  • myoneural junction
  • neuromuscular junction
  • nerve
  • nervus
  • colligation
  • conjugation
  • conjunction
  • junction




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