Specification Sheet
Specification Sheet
one of the primary documents used in the system of technical documentation. In the USSR’s Uniform System of Design Documentation, specification sheets define the composition of a unit. They list the parts of an item and also include design documents pertaining to the item as a whole and to certain unspecified parts that are not listed in the specification sheet. Depending on the complexity of the item, specification sheets can set forth the subassemblies, materials, and standardized and nonstandardized parts to be used, as well as the documentation to be required. Specification sheets are sometimes combined with an assembly drawing.
In the Uniform System of Technological Documentation, specification sheets are prepared for every item delivered as a separate unit. Here, the specification sheets, which determine the required technological documents, are used to compile an adequate number of documents in manufacturing the item and the item’s parts. Such sheets list the item and its subassemblies, parts, and materials. In the USSR, regulations governing specification sheets are set by the State Standard (GOST).
In the technical documentation for products manufactured by foreign firms, specification sheets are listings of technical and operational characteristics of items, devices, and systems. The content of specification sheets is set either by the firms themselves and associations of producers or consumers or by governments and military and other organizations. In the USSR, a listing of the characteristics of an item is referred to as the general technical requirements and is included in the appropriate documents, for example, in standard specifications.