Telegram Address
Telegram Address
the address designated on a telegram dispatched over a general public telegraph network. A telegram address contains the name of the destination point, the number of the communications agency, the postal address where the telegram is to be delivered, and the correct name of the addressee in full.
A telegram address may be a coded address assigned to the addressee and registered by a communications agency. A coded address consists of one easy-to-read word of no more than ten letters and a reference to the number of the city communications agency responsible for delivery. For example, instead of the full address and company name Minsk 125 ulitsa Karla Marksa 95 Metalloobrabatyvaiushchii zavod mestproma (Minsk 125, Karl Marx Street no. 95, Local Industry Metalworking Plant), the coded address Minsk 125 Metall may be registered. Coded addresses composed of proper names, such as the names of cities, workers’ settlements, railroad stations, or rivers, are not permitted.