释义 |
rhino-(word root) noseExamples of words with the root rhino-: rhinology, rhinocerosrhino- or rhin-pref. Nose; nasal: rhinitis. [Greek rhīno-, from rhīs, rhīn-, nose.]rhino- or before a vowel rhin-combining form (Anatomy) indicating the nose or nasal: rhinology. [from Greek rhis, rhin]rhi•no (ˈraɪ noʊ) n., pl. -nos, (esp. collectively) -no. a rhinoceros. [1880–85; by shortening] rhino- a combining form meaning “nose”: rhinology. Also, esp. before a vowel,rhin-.[< Greek rhīno-, comb. form of rhis (s. rhīn-)]EncyclopediaSeeRhinorhino-
rhin- , rhino-The nose. [G. rhis] rhin- , rhino-Combining forms denoting the nose. [G. rhis]rhino-, rhin- [Gr. rhis, stem rhin-] Prefixes meaning nose. See: naso- |