simple bone cyst

sol·i·tar·y bone cyst

a unilocular cyst containing serous fluid and lined with a thin layer of connective tissue, occurring usually in the shaft of a long bone in a child. Synonym(s): idiopathic bone cavity, osteocystoma, simple bone cyst, traumatic bone cyst, unicameral bone cyst

simple bone cyst

A unilocular cyst-like space lined by connective tissues and filled with serous fluid.
It is not a true cyst as it lacks an epithelial lining.

sol·i·tar·y bone cyst

(sol'i-tar-ē bōn sist) Unilocular cyst containing serous fluid and lined with a thin layer of connective tissue, occurring usually in the shaft of a long bone in a child.
Synonym(s): simple bone cyst.