Trans-Ural Plain

Trans-Ural Plain


(Trans-Ural Peneplain), a plain that includes the eastern foothills of the Central and Southern Urals. Width, up to 100 km in the north and over 200 km in the south. Elevation, 200–300 m, with individual residual mountains up to 500–600 m. The Trans-Ural Plain slopes to the east; the Pyshma, Iset’, Miass and other rivers flow in this direction. The plain is composed of Paleozoic igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks; there is much granite. The Trans-Ural Plain has many lakes (Aiaf, Sinara, Chebarkul’). In the north are taiga forests and marshes, and in the south there are steppes with different grasses and sod and grass steppes.