pleuropulmonary blastoma
pleuropulmonary blastoma
A rare solid and biphasic primitive paediatric neoplasm that develops in the lung parenchyma or pleura.Clinical findings
Cough, recurrent upper respiratory tract infections, dyspnea, chest pain.
Generally poor with CNS metastasis; some cases may respond to excision and chemotherapy.
Pleuropulmonary blastoma types
• Type I—Cystic
Affects infants (average, 10 months); multicystic; difficult to diagnose early. It responds better to treatment than other types, and may not progress to higher type.
• Type Ir—(Regressing)
Similar to Type I, but lacks malignant cells.
• Type II—Solid and cystic
Affects older children.
• Type III—Solid
Affects older children; very poor prognosis; requires intensive chemotherapy.