Acronym | Definition |
SCIT➣Semi Conductor and Interconnect Technologies |
SCIT➣Standing Committee on Information Technologies |
SCIT➣Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology (Pune, India) |
SCIT➣Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (allergology) |
SCIT➣Sunshine Coast Institute of TAFE (Technical and Further Education; Australia) |
SCIT➣Standard Change Integration and Tracking (US NASA) |
SCIT➣Storm Cell Identification and Tracking |
SCIT➣Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe (Mount Pleasant, Michigan) |
SCIT➣Sperm Chromatin Integrity Test (fertility) |
SCIT➣State Corporate Income Tax |
SCIT➣Shinjuku College of Information Technology (Japan) |
SCIT➣School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (UK) |
SCIT➣System Concept and Integrated Technology |
SCIT➣Semi-Conductor Interconnect Technologies |
SCIT➣Standardization and Control of Industrial Tools |