ala major ossis sphenoidalis

great·er wing of sphe·noid (bone)

[TA] strong squamous processes extending in a broad superolateral curve from the body of the sphenoid bone. The greater wing presents these surfaces (facies): 1) cerebral surface: forms anterior third of the floor of the lateral portion of the middle cranial fossa; 2) temporal surface: forms the deepest portion of the temporal fossa; 3) infratemporal surface, forms the "roof" of the infratemporal fossa; 4) orbital surface: forms posterolateral wall of orbit. The greater wing forms the inferior border of the supraorbital fissure, and is perforated at its root by foramina rotundum ovale and spinosum and the pterygoid canal. Synonym(s): ala major ossis sphenoidalis [TA], ala temporalis

ala major ossis sphenoidalis

Greater wing of the sphenoid bone. See also: ala