

(ˈtʌmbləfʊl) n, pl tumblerfuls or tumblersful another word for tumbler1b


(ˈtambl) verb1. to (cause to) fall, especially in a helpless or confused way. She tumbled down the stairs; The box suddenly tumbled off the top of the wardrobe. 摔倒 摔倒2. to do tumbling. 使倒下,跌倒 使倒下,跌倒 noun a fall. She took a tumble on the stairs. 跌落 跌落ˈtumbler noun1. a large drinking glass. a tumbler of whisky. (平底)大玻璃杯 (平底)大玻璃杯 2. a tumblerful. 一杯的量 一杯的量3. an acrobat (who performs the acrobatic tricks on the ground). 雜技演員 杂技演员ˈtumblerful noun the amount contained by a tumbler. two tumblerfuls of water. 一杯的量 一杯的量ˌtumble-ˈdrier noun a machine for drying clothes by tumbling them around and blowing hot air into them. 衣物乾燥器 衣物干燥器ˈtumbling noun acrobatics done on the ground. 翻跟頭,翻筋斗 翻跟头,翻筋斗