Simmonds disease

Shee·han syn·drome

(shē'an), hypopituitarism developing postpartum as a result of pituitary necrosis; caused by ischemia due to a hypotensive episode during delivery. Synonym(s): pituitary cachexia, postpartum pituitary necrosis syndrome, Simmonds disease, thyrohypophysial syndrome

Shee·han syn·drome

(shē'an), hypopituitarism developing postpartum as a result of pituitary necrosis; caused by ischemia due to a hypotensive episode during delivery. Synonym(s): pituitary cachexia, postpartum pituitary necrosis syndrome, Simmonds disease, thyrohypophysial syndrome

Sim·monds dis·ease

(sim'ŏndz di-zēz') Anterior pituitary insufficiency due to trauma, vascular lesions, or tumors; usually developing postpartum as a result of pituitary necrosis caused by ischemia during a hypotensive episode during delivery; characterized clinically by asthenia, loss of weight and body hair, arterial hypotension, and manifestations of thyroid, adrenal, and gonadal hypofunction.
Synonym(s): hypophysial cachexia, pituitary cachexia.


Morris, German physician, 1855-1925. Simmonds disease - anterior pituitary insufficiency due to trauma, vascular lesions, or tumors. Synonym(s): hypophysial cachexia; pituitary cachexia; Simmonds syndromeSimmonds syndrome - Synonym(s): Simmonds disease

Sim·monds dis·ease

(sim'ŏndz di-zēz') Anterior pituitary insufficiency due to trauma, vascular lesions, or tumors.
Synonym(s): hypophysial cachexia, pituitary cachexia.