similia similibus curantur

si·mi·li·a si·mil·i·bus cur·an·tur

(si-mil'ē-ă si-mil'i-bŭs kŭr-an'tĕr), The homeopathic concept expressing the law of similars (literally, "likes are cured by likes"), the doctrine that any drug capable of producing morbid symptoms in the healthy will remove similar symptoms occurring as an expression of disease. Another reading of the concept, employed by Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, is similia similibus curentur, "let likes be cured by likes."

law of similars

A guiding principle of homeopathy which states that any substance causing a morbid process will, when diluted (a process known as potentisation) serve to cure that same condition.

si·mi·li·a si·mil·i·bus cur·an·tur

(si-mil'ē-ă si-mil'i-bŭs kū-ran'tūr) The homeopathic formula expressing the law of similars, the doctrine that any drug capable of producing morbid symptoms in the healthy will remove similar symptoms occurring as an expression of disease. Another reading of the formula, employed by Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, is similia similibus curentur, let likes be cured by likes. [L. likes are cured by likes]

si·mi·li·a si·mil·i·bus cur·an·tur

(si-mil'ē-ă si-mil'i-bŭs kū-ran'tūr) Homeopathic concept expressing law of similars (literally, "likes are cured by likes"); doctrine that any drug capable of producing morbid symptoms in the healthy will remove similar symptoms occurring as an expression of disease. Another reading of the concept, employed by Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy, is similia similibus curentur, "let likes be cured by likes." [L. likes are cured by likes]