Plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol

Plenum of the Central Committee of the Komsomol


a session of all the members and candidate members of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (All-Union Lenin Communist Youth League, or VLKSM). According to the statutes of the Komsomol approved by the Seventeenth Congress of the VLKSM in 1974, plenary sessions of the Central Committee are held at least once every six months. At the first plenum after each congress, the Central Committee elects from its ranks a bureau to direct all the work of the Komsomol between plenums and a secretariat for ongoing organizational and executive work. Candidate members of the Central Committee have a consultative vote at Komsomol plenums.

The plenum determines what the tasks of the Komsomol are in carrying out the decisions of CPSU congresses and plenums of the Central Committee of the CPSU. It adopts resolutions, which are binding on all Komsomol organizations and which implement the decisions of the Komsomol congresses. The plenum also hears reports on the work of the Central Committee bureau and reports from local Komsomol committees.