

(tel-an'jē-ek-tat'ik), Relating to or marked by telangiectasia.


(tel-an'jē-ek-tat'ik) Relating to or marked by telangiectasia.


, telangiectasis (tel-an?je-ek-ta'ze-a) (-ek'ta-sis) [Gr. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, dilatation] TELANGIECTASIAA vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels. It may appear as a birthmark or become apparent in young children. It may also be caused by long-term sun exposure. Although the lesion may occur anywhere on the skin, it is seen most frequently on the face and thighs. See: illustrationtelangiectatic, adjective

hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

A disease transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance marked by thinness of the walls of the blood vessels of the nose, skin, and digestive tract, as well as a tendency to hemorrhage. Synonym: Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome

telangiectasia lymphatica

A tumor composed of dilated lymph vessels.

spider telangiectasia

Stellate angioma.