

单词 telangiectasia




T0086300 (tĕl-ăn′jē-ĕk-tā′zhə) also tel·an·gi·ec·ta·sis (-ĕk′tə-sĭs)n. Chronic dilation of groups of capillaries causing elevated dark red blotches on the skin.
[New Latin : tel(o)- + Greek angeion, vessel; see angio- + Greek ektasis, expansion (from ekteinein, to stretch out : ek-, ex, ex- + teinein, to stretch; see ten- in Indo-European roots).]
tel·an′gi·ec·tat′ic (-tăt′ĭk) adj.


(tɛlˌæn dʒiˈɛk tə sɪs)

n., pl. -ses (-ˌsiz) chronic dilatation of the capillaries and other small blood vessels. [1825–35; tel-2 + angi(o)- + Greek éktasis extension = ekta-, variant s. of ekteínein to stretch out (ek- ec- + teínein to stretch) + -sis -sis] tel•an`gi•ec•tat′ic (-ˈtæt ɪk) adj.





a stable dilation of superficial blood vessels, principally capillaries, of the skin and mucous membranes. The condition may be acquired, but it is usually congenital and is often hereditary. Telangiectases are bluish red spots of varying shapes that generally appear on the face or shins. They may bleed if situated on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract or alimentary canal. Telangiectasia is treated by electrocoagulation or cryotherapy.




 [tel-an″je-ek-ta´zhah] a vascular lesion formed by dilation of a group of small blood vessels. adj., adj telangiectat´ic. Superficial telangiectasias are sometimes seen in the normal newborn on the nape of the neck (stork bites) or on the upper eyelids or upper lip (flame nevi). They usually disappear within the first year of life.hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia an autosomal dominant vascular anomaly characterized by the presence of multiple small telangiectases of the skin, mucous membranes, gastrointestinal tract, and other organs associated with recurrent episodes of bleeding from affected sites and gross occult melena.spider telangiectasia vascular spider.


(tel-an'jē-ek-tā'zē-ă), Dilation of previously existing small or terminal vessels of a part. Synonym(s): angiotelectasis, angiotelectasia [G. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, a stretching out]


(tĕl-ăn′jē-ĕk-tā′zhə) also


(-ĕk′tə-sĭs)n. Chronic dilation of groups of capillaries causing elevated dark red blotches on the skin.
tel·an′gi·ec·tat′ic (-tăt′ĭk) adj.


Dermatology A capillary with complex and tortuous dilation seen on mucocutaneous surfaces. See Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome.


(tel-an'jē-ek-tā'zē-ă) Dilation of the previously existing small or terminal vessels of a part. [G. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, a stretching out]


, telangiectasis (tel-an?je-ek-ta'ze-a) (-ek'ta-sis) [Gr. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, dilatation] TELANGIECTASIAA vascular lesion formed by dilatation of a group of small blood vessels. It may appear as a birthmark or become apparent in young children. It may also be caused by long-term sun exposure. Although the lesion may occur anywhere on the skin, it is seen most frequently on the face and thighs. See: illustrationtelangiectatic, adjective

hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia

A disease transmitted by autosomal dominant inheritance marked by thinness of the walls of the blood vessels of the nose, skin, and digestive tract, as well as a tendency to hemorrhage. Synonym: Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome

telangiectasia lymphatica

A tumor composed of dilated lymph vessels.

spider telangiectasia

Stellate angioma.


A local or general increase in the size and number of small blood vessels in the skin. Often incorrectly called ‘broken veins’. Telangiectasia may be present from birth but may be caused by undue exposure to sunlight or may be a feature of ROSACEA, PSORIASIS, LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS and DERMATOMYOSITIS.


Abnormal dilation of capillary blood vessels leading to the formation of telangiectases or angiomas.Mentioned in: Ataxia-Telangiectasia, Rosacea


A dilatation of small blood vessels (arterioles, capillaries, venules), often multiple in character. Telangiectasias create small red lesions, sometimes spidery in appearance, usually in the skin or mucous membranes, which blanch on pressure. They can develop into naevus flammeus ('port-wine stain'), a birthmark found usually on the head or neck. See Sturge-Weber syndrome.
retinal telangiectasia See Coat's disease.


(tel-an'jē-ek-tā'zē-ă) Dilation of previously existing small or terminal vessels of a part. [G. telos, end, + angeion, vessel, + ektasis, a stretching out]




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