释义 |
tela (ˈtiːlə) n, pl -lae (-liː) (Anatomy) anatomy any delicate tissue or weblike structure[from New Latin, from Latin: a web]EncyclopediaSeeteletela
tela [te´lah] (L.) a thin weblike structure or tissue; used in naming various anatomic structures.tela conjuncti´va connective tissue.tela elas´tica elastic tissue.tela subcuta´nea the subcutaneous connective tissue or superficial fascia.te·la, gen. and pl. te·lae (tē'lă, tē'lē), 1. Any thin weblike structure. 2. A tissue; especially one of delicate formation. [L. a web] te·la, pl. telae (tē'lă, -lē) 1. Any thin, weblike structure. 2. A tissue; especially one of delicate formation. [L. a web]TELA
Acronym | Definition |
TELA➣Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority (Hong Kong) | TELA➣The Electronically Linked Academy (Scholar's Press) | TELA➣Tamil Eelam Liberation Army (Sri Lankan rebel group) | TELA➣Texas Employment Lawyers Association (est. 1998) | TELA➣Technology Executive Leadership Academy |