Qaani, Habibollah

Qaani, Habibollah


Born 1808 in Shiraz; died 1854 in Tehran. Persian poet.

Qaani was the son of a writer. He wrote poetry in Arabic as well as Persian; approximately 22, 000 of his poems have been preserved. He also wrote the prose work Book of the Confused. Qaani’s divan includes mostly qasidas (odes). His panegyrics were hyperbolical. He was a member of the baz-gasht (“return”) literary movement. Qaani had a masterly command of poetic technique; he introduced neologisms and permitted unusual word usage and violation of meter.


Divan-e hakim-e Qaani-ye Shirazi. Edited and with a foreword by Mohammad Mahjub. Tehran, A.H. 1336 (A.D. 1957).


Bertel’s, E. E. “Avtobiografiia Kaani.” Doklady AN SSSR, seriia V, 1927.
Kubičková, V. Qaani, poète persane du XIX siècle. Prague, 1954.