Péter Veres
Veres, Péter
Born Jan. 6, 1897, in the village of Balmazújváros; died Apr. 16, 1970, in Budapest. Hungarian writer: emerged in the literature of the 1930’s as a representative of the so-called popular writers.
Veres depicted realistically—although tending toward the purely factual—the land hunger and poverty of the peasants (the collection of short stories The Sod Row, 1940; the novella Year of Bad Harvest, 1942, and others). His collection of stories about the new Hungarian countryside, The Test (1949; Russian translation, 1954), and the collection Railroad Workers (1951) received the Kossuth Prize. Veres’ trilogy The Story of the Balogh Family (1950-57) was devoted to the life of the poor peasants of Hungary in the early 20th century and under the fascist Horthy regime.
Pályamunkások. Budapest, 1951.A kelletlen leány. Budapest, 1960.
Az ország útján: Onéletirás 1944-1945. Budapest, 1965.
Való világ. Budapest, 1966.
A Balogh család története. Budapest, 1967.
Jelenidő. [Budapest] 1968.
In Russian translation:
Durnaia zhena. Moscow, 1956.