Péter Veres

Veres, Péter


Born Jan. 6, 1897, in the village of Balmazújváros; died Apr. 16, 1970, in Budapest. Hungarian writer: emerged in the literature of the 1930’s as a representative of the so-called popular writers.

Veres depicted realistically—although tending toward the purely factual—the land hunger and poverty of the peasants (the collection of short stories The Sod Row, 1940; the novella Year of Bad Harvest, 1942, and others). His collection of stories about the new Hungarian countryside, The Test (1949; Russian translation, 1954), and the collection Railroad Workers (1951) received the Kossuth Prize. Veres’ trilogy The Story of the Balogh Family (1950-57) was devoted to the life of the poor peasants of Hungary in the early 20th century and under the fascist Horthy regime.


Pályamunkások. Budapest, 1951.
A kelletlen leány. Budapest, 1960.
Az ország útján: Onéletirás 1944-1945. Budapest, 1965.
Való világ. Budapest, 1966.
A Balogh család története. Budapest, 1967.
Jelenidő. [Budapest] 1968.
In Russian translation:
Durnaia zhena. Moscow, 1956.