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Simbra Oilor Simbra Oilor (Sheep Counting)MaySimbra (or Sambra) Oilor is a rural folk festival held in parts of Romania, including Transylvania and Banat. In May people herd sheep to the mountains for summer grazing. But before they leave, on the morning of Simbra Oilor all the sheep are milked in order to estimate how much cheese each will produce. This cheese will then be paid throughout the summer to those who own the sheep. Afterwards, there is a community potluck feast. In some places a similar festival is held in the fall when the sheep are brought back down from the mountains. CONTACTS: Romanian National Tourist Office 355 Lexington Ave., 19th Fl. New York, NY 10017 212-545-8484; fax: 212-251-0429 www.romaniatourism.com SOURCES: FoodFestDanube-1969, p. 243