Acronym | Definition |
SIM➣Simulator |
SIM➣Simulation |
SIM➣Systems Insight Manager (HP) |
SIM➣Subscriber Identity Module (ETSI GSM technical specification) |
SIM➣Serving in Mission |
SIM➣Singapore Institute of Management |
SIM➣Security Information Management |
SIM➣Society for Information Management |
SIM➣Secondary Ion Mass (chemistry) |
SIM➣Simi Valley (Amtrak station code; Simi Valley, CA) |
SIM➣Sistem Informasi Manajemen (Indonesian: Management Information System) |
SIM➣Silhouette Intimate Moments (now Silhouette Romantic Suspense) |
SIM➣Structured Illumination Microscopy |
SIM➣Subscriber Identification Module (PCS) |
SIM➣Supplier Information Management |
SIM➣Selected Ion Monitoring |
SIM➣Singular Information Management (software) |
SIM➣Source Interlink Media (Bonita Springs, FL) |
SIM➣Set Initialization Mode |
SIM➣Service Impact Manager |
SIM➣Subscriber Identity Module |
SIM➣Subject Identification Method |
SIM➣Sim Instant Messenger |
SIM➣Systems Insight Manager |
SIM➣Subscriber Information Module |
SIM➣Set Interrupt Mask |
SIM➣Secure Identity Management |
SIM➣Scanner Interface Mode |
SIM➣Space Interferometry Mission |
SIM➣Self Instructional Module (education) |
SIM➣Search of the Index Map (property registry) |
SIM➣Sistema Interamericano de Metrologia (Inter-american Metrology System) |
SIM➣Sorry I'm Late |
SIM➣Social Influence Marketing |
SIM➣Simple Instant Messenger |
SIM➣System Identity Manager (software) |
SIM➣Society for Industrial Microbiology |
SIM➣Society for International Ministries |
SIM➣Security Information Manager |
SIM➣Strategic Information Management |
SIM➣Sudan Interior Mission |
SIM➣Servicio de Inteligencia Militar (Spanish: Military Intelligence Service; various locations) |
SIM➣Set Initialization Mode (HDLC) |
SIM➣Systems in Motion |
SIM➣Serial Interface Module |
SIM➣Security Incident Management |
SIM➣Sunday Inquirer Magazine |
SIM➣System Integration Module |
SIM➣Subject is Message (email slang) |
SIM➣Single-Ion Monitoring |
SIM➣Strategic Inventory Management (shipping) |
SIM➣Staff for Installation Management (US Army) |
SIM➣Society for the Internet in Medicine |
SIM➣Surat Izin Mengemudi (Indonesian driving license) |
SIM➣Store Inventory Management |
SIM➣Secrets of Internet Millionaires |
SIM➣Service Impact Manager (BMC Software) |
SIM➣Systems Integration Management |
SIM➣Systèmes d'Information et Management (French) |
SIM➣Scanning Ion Microscope |
SIM➣System Interface Module |
SIM➣Serialized Item Management (US DoD) |
SIM➣Source Independent Measurement (acoustical or electronic systems) |
SIM➣Società Italiana Di Malacologia |
SIM➣Stress-Induced Martensite |
SIM➣Servizio Informazioni Militari (Italian: Military Intelligence Service; 1925-1945; Italy) |
SIM➣Service d'Informatique Médicale (French: Medical Informatics Service; Switzerland) |
SIM➣Society of Industrial Microbiology |
SIM➣Scientific Instrumentation Module (US NASA) |
SIM➣Security Identity Module (cell phone usage) |
SIM➣Sulfur Reduction, Indole Production, Motility |
SIM➣Service Impact Management (BMC software) |
SIM➣Société Immobilière de Mayotte (French: Public Estate Agency of Mayotte; France) |
SIM➣Service d'Intervention Sur Mesure (French: Service Tailored Interventions) |
SIM➣Services in the Internal Market |
SIM➣Symantec Incident Manager |
SIM➣Signal Interface Module |
SIM➣Stress-in-Motion (road safety technology) |
SIM➣Stichting Inzichts Meditatie |
SIM➣Service Interaction Manager |
SIM➣Supplier Improvement Metrics |
SIM➣Serials in Microform |
SIM➣Society for the Increase of the Ministry |
SIM➣System Integration Manager |
SIM➣Single Inline Module |
SIM➣Semantic Information Manager |
SIM➣Service Information Message |
SIM➣Selected Item Management |
SIM➣Synchronization Interface Module (Telabs) |
SIM➣Subscription Identity Module |
SIM➣Skochinsky Institute of Mining (Russia) |
SIM➣Service Industry Marketing |
SIM➣Scientific Instruments Module (Apollo program) |
SIM➣Sprint Instant Message |
SIM➣Sparse Iterative Method |
SIM➣Section of Integrative Medicine (Albuquerque, NM) |
SIM➣Spectral Information Measure |
SIM➣Sales in Minutes |
SIM➣Societé Internationale Missionaire (French) |
SIM➣Sensor Interaction Model |
SIM➣Sound Intensity Meter |
SIM➣Shore Infrastructure Modernization |
SIM➣Service Ingénierie des Matériaux (French: Service Engineering Materials) |
SIM➣System Impact Message |
SIM➣Servizio Informazione Segreto (Italian Secret Service in WWII) |
SIM➣Special Interest Message |
SIM➣Stack Interface Module |
SIM➣Systems & Information Map |
SIM➣Submarine Intended Movement |
SIM➣Salon International du Meuble (French: International Furniture Fair) |
SIM➣Spectral Irradiance Model |
SIM➣Switch Input Matrix |
SIM➣Six-Inch Instrument Manipulator |
SIM➣Screened Images Multimedia, Inc. |
SIM➣Système d'Informations Marketing (French: Information System Marketing) |
SIM➣Sensor Input/Interface Module |
SIM➣Systems Integration Manual |
SIM➣Sociedad de Inversiones Mobiliarias |
SIM➣Special Instrumented Missile |
SIM➣Speakeasy INFOSEC Model |
SIM➣Syrasoft Internet Manager (Syrasoft LLC) |
SIM➣Service Identification Methodology (Service Oriented Architecture) |