

单词 sim



(sɪm) n (Computer Science) a computer game which simulates an activity such as playing a sport or flying an aircraft


1. similar. 2. simile.


n. Alastair, 1900–76, British film actor.



a computer game which simulates an activity such as playing a sport or flying an aircraft



a city in Asha Raion, Cheliabinsk Oblast, RSFSR, located on the western slope of the Urals, on the Sim River. Railroad station on the Ufa-Cheliabinsk line. Population, 20,000 (1974). Sim is one of the oldest metallurgical centers in the southern Urals, with the city’s ironworks dating from 1760. Sim also has metalworking industries and a machine shop.



a river in the Bashkir ASSR and Cheliabinsk Oblast, RSFSR; a right tributary of the Belaia River of the Kama River basin. The Sim is 239 km long and drains an area of 11,700 sq km. The river rises on the western slopes of the Southern Urals. The upper course flows through a narrow valley, which widens in the lower course; many parts of the floodplain are marshy. During the low-water period the Sim flows through an underground channel for approximately 40 km. The topography in the basin is karstic.

The Sim is fed mainly by snow. The mean flow rate is 47.9 cu m per sec at a point 103 km from the mouth of the river. The Sim freezes in November, and the ice breaks up in April; the lower reaches are navigable. The cities of Sim, Min’iar, and Asha are situated on the river.


On drawings, abbr. for “similar.”


Subscriber Identity Module


(1) (Society for Information Management, Chicago, IL, www.simnet.org) Founded in 1968 as the Society for MIS, it is a membership organization made up of corporate and division heads of IT organizations. SIM provides a forum for exchange of technical information and offers educational and research programs, competitions and awards. Its annual SIMposium is a high-level strategic "think tank" event.

(2) (Subscriber Identity Module) See SIM card.

(3) (Security Information Manager) See SIEM.

(4) (Single In-Line Memory module) See SIMM.

(5) (Simple Instant Messenger) An open source IM client program that interfaces with many of the popular instant messenger services. For more information, visit http://sim-im.berlios.de. See instant messaging.


SIMSystems Insight Manager (HP)
SIMSubscriber Identity Module (ETSI GSM technical specification)
SIMServing in Mission
SIMSingapore Institute of Management
SIMSecurity Information Management
SIMSociety for Information Management
SIMSecondary Ion Mass (chemistry)
SIMSimi Valley (Amtrak station code; Simi Valley, CA)
SIMSistem Informasi Manajemen (Indonesian: Management Information System)
SIMSilhouette Intimate Moments (now Silhouette Romantic Suspense)
SIMStructured Illumination Microscopy
SIMSubscriber Identification Module (PCS)
SIMSupplier Information Management
SIMSelected Ion Monitoring
SIMSingular Information Management (software)
SIMSource Interlink Media (Bonita Springs, FL)
SIMSet Initialization Mode
SIMService Impact Manager
SIMSubscriber Identity Module
SIMSubject Identification Method
SIMSim Instant Messenger
SIMSystems Insight Manager
SIMSubscriber Information Module
SIMSet Interrupt Mask
SIMSecure Identity Management
SIMScanner Interface Mode
SIMSpace Interferometry Mission
SIMSelf Instructional Module (education)
SIMSearch of the Index Map (property registry)
SIMSistema Interamericano de Metrologia (Inter-american Metrology System)
SIMSorry I'm Late
SIMSocial Influence Marketing
SIMSimple Instant Messenger
SIMSystem Identity Manager (software)
SIMSociety for Industrial Microbiology
SIMSociety for International Ministries
SIMSecurity Information Manager
SIMStrategic Information Management
SIMSudan Interior Mission
SIMServicio de Inteligencia Militar (Spanish: Military Intelligence Service; various locations)
SIMSet Initialization Mode (HDLC)
SIMSystems in Motion
SIMSerial Interface Module
SIMSecurity Incident Management
SIMSunday Inquirer Magazine
SIMSystem Integration Module
SIMSubject is Message (email slang)
SIMSingle-Ion Monitoring
SIMStrategic Inventory Management (shipping)
SIMStaff for Installation Management (US Army)
SIMSociety for the Internet in Medicine
SIMSurat Izin Mengemudi (Indonesian driving license)
SIMStore Inventory Management
SIMSecrets of Internet Millionaires
SIMService Impact Manager (BMC Software)
SIMSystems Integration Management
SIMSystèmes d'Information et Management (French)
SIMScanning Ion Microscope
SIMSystem Interface Module
SIMSerialized Item Management (US DoD)
SIMSource Independent Measurement (acoustical or electronic systems)
SIMSocietà Italiana Di Malacologia
SIMStress-Induced Martensite
SIMServizio Informazioni Militari (Italian: Military Intelligence Service; 1925-1945; Italy)
SIMService d'Informatique Médicale (French: Medical Informatics Service; Switzerland)
SIMSociety of Industrial Microbiology
SIMScientific Instrumentation Module (US NASA)
SIMSecurity Identity Module (cell phone usage)
SIMSulfur Reduction, Indole Production, Motility
SIMService Impact Management (BMC software)
SIMSociété Immobilière de Mayotte (French: Public Estate Agency of Mayotte; France)
SIMService d'Intervention Sur Mesure (French: Service Tailored Interventions)
SIMServices in the Internal Market
SIMSymantec Incident Manager
SIMSignal Interface Module
SIMStress-in-Motion (road safety technology)
SIMStichting Inzichts Meditatie
SIMService Interaction Manager
SIMSupplier Improvement Metrics
SIMSerials in Microform
SIMSociety for the Increase of the Ministry
SIMSystem Integration Manager
SIMSingle Inline Module
SIMSemantic Information Manager
SIMService Information Message
SIMSelected Item Management
SIMSynchronization Interface Module (Telabs)
SIMSubscription Identity Module
SIMSkochinsky Institute of Mining (Russia)
SIMService Industry Marketing
SIMScientific Instruments Module (Apollo program)
SIMSprint Instant Message
SIMSparse Iterative Method
SIMSection of Integrative Medicine (Albuquerque, NM)
SIMSpectral Information Measure
SIMSales in Minutes
SIMSocieté Internationale Missionaire (French)
SIMSensor Interaction Model
SIMSound Intensity Meter
SIMShore Infrastructure Modernization
SIMService Ingénierie des Matériaux (French: Service Engineering Materials)
SIMSystem Impact Message
SIMServizio Informazione Segreto (Italian Secret Service in WWII)
SIMSpecial Interest Message
SIMStack Interface Module
SIMSystems & Information Map
SIMSubmarine Intended Movement
SIMSalon International du Meuble (French: International Furniture Fair)
SIMSpectral Irradiance Model
SIMSwitch Input Matrix
SIMSix-Inch Instrument Manipulator
SIMScreened Images Multimedia, Inc.
SIMSystème d'Informations Marketing (French: Information System Marketing)
SIMSensor Input/Interface Module
SIMSystems Integration Manual
SIMSociedad de Inversiones Mobiliarias
SIMSpecial Instrumented Missile
SIMSpeakeasy INFOSEC Model
SIMSyrasoft Internet Manager (Syrasoft LLC)
SIMService Identification Methodology (Service Oriented Architecture)


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