vicious union


(mal-yūn'yŭn), Union of the ends of a broken bone resulting in a deformity or a crooked limb; frequently used interchangeably with faulty union. Synonym(s): vicious union

vi·cious un·ion

(vish'ŭs yūn'yŭn) Attachment of the ends of a broken bone resulting in a deformity or a crooked limb; frequently used interchangeably with faulty union.


(un'yun) [L. unio] 1. The act of joining two or more things into one part, or the state of being so united. 2. Growing together of severed or broken parts, as of bones or the edges of a wound. See: healing

secondary union

1. A healing by second intention with adhesion of granulating surfaces. See: healing2. Operative correction of nonunion of a fracture.

vicious union
