transpulmonary pressure

trans·pul·mo·nar·y pres·sure

the difference between the pressure of the respired gas at the mouth and the pleural pressure around the lungs, measured when the airway is open; thus, it includes not only the transmural pressure of the lung but also any drop in pressure along the tracheobronchial tree during flow.

transpulmonary pressure

Physiology The difference between airway pressure and pleural pressure–PAW—PPL, a clinically important respiratory measure in ICU Pts; it is also derived by multiplying the airway pressure by the ratio of lung parenchyma elastance and total lung elastance; for a given PAW, rise of the PPL has effects on hemodynamics, lung distention and recruitment, and interstitial lung fluid–pulmonary edema

trans·pul·mo·nar·y pres·sure

(trans-pul'mŏ-nar-ē presh'ŭr) The pressure difference across the lungs; the difference between the pressure at the airway opening and the pressure on the visceral pleural surface (i.e., pressure at the airway opening - pleural pressure).