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DictionarySeesyndromeSilver-Russell syndrome
Sil·ver-Rus·sell syn·drome (sil'vĕr rŭs'ĕl), [MIM*270050] a disorder characterized by low birth weight, late closure of the anterior fontanelle, bilateral bodily asymmetry, clinodactyly of the fifth fingers, triangular facies, and carp mouth; little useful genetic evidence. Synonym(s): Silver-Russell dwarfism Sil·ver-Rus·sell syn·drome (sil'vĕr rŭs'ĕl), [MIM*270050] a disorder characterized by low birth weight, late closure of the anterior fontanelle, bilateral bodily asymmetry, clinodactyly of the fifth fingers, triangular facies, and carp mouth; little useful genetic evidence. Synonym(s): Silver-Russell dwarfismSilver-Russell syndromen. See Russell-Silver syndrome.Russell, Alexander, 20th century English pediatrician. Russell syndrome - failure of infants and young children to thrive due to suprasellar lesions, commonly astrocytomas of the anterior third ventricle.Russell-Silver dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell syndrome - see under Silver
Silver, Henry K., U.S. pediatrician, 1918–. Russell-Silver dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell syndrome - a disorder characterized by low birth weight, late closure of the anterior fontanel, bilateral bodily asymmetry, clinodactyly of the fifth fingers, triangular facies, and carp mouth. Synonym(s): Russell-Silver dwarfism; Silver-Russell dwarfismAcronymsSeeSRS |