Acronym | Definition |
PLCa➣primary liver cancer |
PLCa➣Product Life Cycle Assessment |
PLCa➣Public Limited Companies Act |
PLCa➣Product Life-Cycle Analysis |
PLCa➣Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms (act) |
PLCa➣Premier League Clubs Association (Jamaica) |
PLCa➣Pipe Line Contractors Association (Dallas, Texas) |
PLCa➣Process Life Cycle Assessment |
PLCa➣Professional Lawn Care Association of America (also seen as PLCAA) |
PLCa➣Pennsylvania Legislative Correspondents Association |
PLCa➣Pacific Leatherback Conservation Area (est. 2001) |
PLCa➣Power Line Communications Association |
PLCa➣primary localised cutaneous amyloidosis |
PLCa➣Primary Localized Cutaneous Amyloidosis |
PLCa➣Panasonic Logistics Company of America |
PLCa➣Power Line Communication Analyzer |
PLCa➣Privacy Law Consulting Australia |
PLCa➣Program for Linguistic Content Analysis |
PLCa➣Programmable Logic Cell Array |
PLCa➣Prototype License and Confidentiality Agreement (Apple) |
PLCa➣Pine Lake Cultural Affairs (Pine Lake, GA) |
PLCa➣Permanent Landscape Calculation Area |
PLCa➣Pelican Landing Community Association, Inc. (Bonita Springs, Florida) |
PLCa➣Photographic Left Circular Analyzer |
PLCa➣Purchase Ledger Control Account |
PLCa➣Professional Learning Community Assessment |
PLCa➣patient-level cost allocation |
PLCa➣Private Line Connecting Arrangement |
PLCa➣Pay, Leave and Compensatory Allowances |
PLCa➣Point Lonsdale Civic Association (Victoria, Australia) |
PLCa➣Puslinch Lake Conservation Association (Ontario, Canada) |
PLCa➣Pleioblastus Chino Angustifolius |
PLCa➣Plant Cactus |
PLCa➣Programme-Level Conflict Assessment (UK) |
PLCa➣Plagiothecium Cavifolium |
PLCa➣Paudash Lake Conservation Association (Canada) |
PLCa➣Pipeline Connection Assembly |
PLCa➣Probit Latent Class Analysis |
PLCa➣Parks and Land Certainty Act (Canada) |
PLCa➣Pastel Little Country Ashley |
PLCa➣Paul Cox Architects |
PLCa➣Paradise Lakes Condominium Association (Land O' Lakes, Florida) |
PLCa➣Parallel Line Communication Adapter |
PLCa➣Proctor Lake Community Association |
PLCa➣Practice Learning Change Agents |
PLCa➣Pureland Learning College Association (Taiwan) |
PLCa➣Pennsylvania Labor Communications Association |
PLCa➣Patient-Level Cost Accounting |
PLCa➣Phobjikha Landscape Conservation Area (Bhutan) |
PLCa➣Public Libraries Concerted Action |
PLCa➣Prior Lake Center for the Arts (Prior Lake, MN) |
PLCa➣Prior Learning and Competence Assessment (SCUBA diving) |
PLCa➣Pekin Lake Conservation Area |
PLCa➣Port Lavaca Calhoun |
PLCa➣Parents' Local Community Alliance (UK) |
PLCa➣Pennsylvania Lawn Care Association |
PLCa➣primed lymphocyte cytotoxicity assay |
PLCa➣Progressive Learning Christian Academy (Chicago, IL) |
PLCa➣Primary Lateral Chromatic Aberration |
PLCa➣Preparatory Launch Command Alpha |
PLCa➣Plan, Learn, Check, Act |