

单词 plc





abbreviation for (Commerce) public limited company. See also limited5



Programmable Logic Controller


(1) (Power Line Communications) See broadband over power lines.

(2) (Programmable Logic Controller) A programmable microprocessor-based device that is used in discrete manufacturing to control assembly lines and machinery on the shop floor as well as many other types of mechanical, electrical and electronic equipment in a plant. Typically RISC based and programmed in an IEC 61131 programming language, a PLC is designed for real-time use in rugged, industrial environments. Connected to sensors and actuators, PLCs are categorized by the number and type of I/O ports they provide and by their I/O scan rate.

In the late 1960s, PLCs were first used to replace the hardwired networks of relays and timers in automobile assembly lines, which were partially automated at that time. The programmability of the PLC enabled changes to be effected considerably faster. Contrast with PAC and DCS. See IEC 61131.



abbreviation for Public Limited Company. See PUBLIC COMPANY.



See: Project loan certificate

Project Loan Security

A mortgage-backed security issued by Ginnie Mae on mortgages for larger properties. As with all mortgage-backed securities, the coupons on guaranteed mortgage securities are paid out of the principal and interest on a pool of mortgages underlying the securities. Project loan securities are issued on mortgages on multi-family homes or large construction projects.

Public Limited Company

A primarily British term for a publicly-traded company. The term derives from the facts that the company issues shares that may be bought and sold by the general public and all shareholders have limited liability.

Plc (public limited company)





PLCPublic Limited Company (UK)
PLCProduct Life Cycle
PLCPhospholipase C
PLCProfessional Learning Community (education)
PLCPrivate Limited Company
PLCPublic Service Commission (Canada)
PLCProgrammable Logic Control(ler)
PLCPuerto La Cruz (Venezuela)
PLCPersonal Line of Credit
PLCPublicly Listed Company
PLCProject Life Cycle
PLCPower Line Carrier (using power lines to carry data/voice signals)
PLCPartido Liberal Constitucionalista (Constitutional Liberal Party; Nicaragua)
PLCPowerline Communication
PLCParti Liberal du Canada
PLCPlanar Lightwave Circuit
PLCPresbyterian Ladies' College (Australia)
PLCPower Line Conditioner
PLCPalestinian Legislative Council
PLCProfessional Law Corporation (various organizations)
PLCPartners in a Learning Community
PLCProgrammable Logic Circuit
PLCPsycho Le Cemu (Japanese band)
PLCProgramming Language Concepts (course; various schools)
PLCPrism Leisure Corporation (UK)
PLCPractical Law Company (New York, NY)
PLCPacket Loss Concealment
PLCPrice Loss Coverage (agricultural finance)
PLCPlatoon Leaders Class
PLCPark Lane College (UK)
PLCPatrol Leaders' Council (Boy Scouts of America)
PLCPerformance Learning Center (various school districts)
PLCPilgrim Lutheran Church (various locations)
PLCPro-Life Campaign (Ireland)
PLCPrivate Land Claims (US Court)
PLCParish Life Center (various organizations)
PLCPreparative Liquid Chromatography
PLCPlanar Linear Circuit
PLCPhysical Layer Controller
PLCPower Line Communications
PLCPower Line Carrier
PLCPlatform Lan Connect
PLCProgrammable Logic Controller
PLCPhilips Lighting Company (Somerset, NJ)
PLCPeter Lougheed Centre (hospital; Alberta, Canada)
PLCPolymer Liquid Crystal
PLCPrivate Label Card
PLCProject Labor Category (various companies)
PLCPayload Commander (NASA)
PLCPour le Communisme (French: For Communism)
PLCPigmented Lesion Clinic
PLCPacific Lottery Corporation (est. 1995; Canada)
PLCPleomorphic Lobular Carcinoma
PLCPymble Ladies' College (Australia)
PLCPolymer of Low Concern (chemicals)
PLCPrivate Leased Circuit
PLCPermanent Linear Change
PLCPower Level Controller
PLCProfessional Loss Control
PLCPositive Living Centre (Australia)
PLCPartners for Livable Communities
PLCPneumatic Logic Control (Houston, TX)
PLCProfessional Liability Committee (various organizations)
PLCPosterior Lateral Complex (ligament in knee)
PLCProgressive Learning Center
PLCProgramming Language Committee
PLCProfessional Limited Liability Company
PLCPeace Love Car
PLCParish Life Committee
PLCPlatoon Leader's Course (USMC Officer Program)
PLCPortevin le Chatelier (Effect)
PLCPermanent Legal Custody (family law)
PLCPontypool Leisure Centre (UK)
PLCPacific Logistics Center
PLCPakistan Law Commission
PLCPublic Level Crossing
PLCPower Lines Central (web content; India)
PLCProgrammed Logic Corporation (New Jersey)
PLCPresidents Leadership Class (undergraduate leadership development program, University of Colorado, Boulder)
PLCProgram Leadership Committee
PLCPower Line Coupler
PLCProcess Loop Control
PLCPrimary Leadership Course (US Army)
PLCProject Line Counter (software)
PLCPlatform LAN Connect Device (Intel Pentium processors)
PLCPerformance Level Category
PLCPhilmont Leadership Challenge (Philmont Training Center; Cimarron, NM)
PLCProgram Level Change (tape)
PLCProfesseur de Lycée et Collège (French: High School and College Teacher)
PLCPhase-Locked Clock
PLCProgram Leaders Committee
PLCProjected Line Charge
PLCPathetic Losers Club
PLCPrinceton Listening Center
PLCProto-Lower Cross
PLCPost Literacy Class
PLCPeace, Love, and Care
PLCPressurized Logistic Carrier
PLCPost-Lunch Coma
PLCProject Launch Coordinator
PLCPoint of Last Contact
PLCPotomac Literary Club
PLCPilot Lighting Control (aviation)
PLCProgram Library Control
PLCPreliminary Load Cycle
PLCPiecewise Linear Coarsening
PLCPartial Loss of Capacity (SDH or Sonet Technology)
PLCPendulum Live Community
PLCPlymouth Laryngectomy Club (UK)
PLCPhilip Leverhulme Centre (Reaseheath College, England)




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