

单词 arachidonic acid

arachidonic acid

ar·a·chi·don·ic acid

A0395100 (ăr′ə-kĭ-dŏn′ĭk)n. An unsaturated fatty acid, C20H32O2, present in animal fats and synthesized by the body from linoleic acid, that is essential in human nutrition and is a precursor in the biosynthesis of some prostaglandins.
[From arachidic, of the groundnut, from New Latin Arachis, groundnut genus, from Greek arakis, arakid-, diminutive of arakos, a leguminous plant.]

arachidonic acid

(ˌærəkəˈdɒnɪk) n (Biochemistry) a fatty acid occurring in animal cells: the metabolic precursor of several groups of biologically active substances, including prostaglandins

arachidonic acid

arachidonic acid

[ə¦rak·ə¦dan·ik ′as·əd] (biochemistry) C20H32O2 An essential unsaturated fatty acid that is a precursor in the biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes.

arachidonic acid

arachidonic acid

 [ah-rak″ĭ-don´ik] an essential fatty acid that cannot be synthesized by animal tissues and must be obtained in the diet.

ar·a·chi·don·ic ac·id

(ă-rak-i-don'ik as'id), An unsaturated fatty acid, usually essential in nutrition; the biologic precursor of the prostaglandins, the thromboxanes, and the leukotrienes (collectively known as eicosanoids).

arachidonic acid

(ăr′ə-kĭ-dŏn′ĭk)n. An unsaturated fatty acid, C20H32O2, present in animal fats and synthesized by the body from linoleic acid, that is essential in human nutrition and is a precursor in the biosynthesis of some prostaglandins.

arachidonic acid

A polyunsaturated omega-6 fatty acid, which is an essential dietary component for mammals and the precursor for biosynthesis of prostaglandins, thromboxanes and hydroxy-eicosatetraenoic acid derivatives (e.g., leukotrienes). Arachidonic acid release from phospholipids is the limiting step in forming its active metabolites.
Foods containing arachidonic acid—e.g., egg yolks, fatty red meat and organ meats—are viewed as unhealthy by nutritionists.

ar·a·chi·don·ic ac·id

(ar'ă-ki-don'ik as'id) Liquid unsaturated fatty acid that occurs in most animal fats; considered essential in animal nutrition.

arachidonic acid

An unsaturated fatty acid, formed from LINOLENIC acid, and a precursor of prostaglandins and thomboxanes.

ar·a·chi·don·ic ac·id

(ar'ă-ki-don'ik as'id) An unsaturated fatty acid, usually essential in nutrition; the biologic precursor of the prostaglandins, the thromboxanes, and the leukotrienes (collectively known as eicosanoids).
See AA




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