Schönbrunn, Treaty of 1805
Schönbrunn, Treaty of (1805)
a treaty between France and Prussia. It was signed on Dec. 15, 1805, in the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna by General M. Duroc for the French side and Minister C. von Haugwitz for the Prussian side.
The signing of the Treaty of Schönbrunn signified Prussia’s virtual renunciation of the provisions of the Potsdam Alliance Convention of 1805 between Prussia and Russia. The treaty required Prussia to cede some of its territories to France, including Neuchätel, Ansbach, and Kleve; in return it received Hanover, which the French had taken from Great Britain in a calculated attempt by Napoleon to drive a wedge between Prussia and Great Britain. The treaty was not ratified by the Prussians, but its principal terms were incorporated into the Treaty of Paris of 1806, which was signed by Prussia and France on February 15.