theta waves

theta rhythm

A brain oscillation pattern detected by EEG, which in humans is termed cortical theta rhythm and has a frequency in the 4 to 7 Hz range, and which are normally present in minimal amounts in the temporal lobes. The theta rhythm is common in young children; in older children and adults, the theta pattern appears during light sleep, meditation and drowsiness, but not in deep sleep. There is an uptick of theta activity during short term memory tasks. The theta rhythm is actively sought in yoga and transcendental meditation.

theta waves

Neurology 'Deep' brain waves that oscillate at 4–8 cycles/sec–Hz, normally present in minimal amounts in the temporal lobes; TWs are relatively more common in persons > age 60, and are intentionally induced in yoga and transcendental meditation. See Mantra, Meditation, Yoga; Cf Alpha waves, Autosuggestion therapy, Hypnosis, Silva mind control.