Siloé, Diego de

Siloe, Diego de

(c. 1495–1563)Spanish architect and sculptor who introduced Italian Renaissance forms to Spain and played a major role in the development of the distinctive Plateresque style. Work includes the Granada Cathedral (1549).

Siloé, Diego de


Born circa 1495, in Burgos; died Oct. 22, 1563, in Granada. Spanish architect and sculptor. Siloé was apparently the son and student of the sculptor Gil de Siloé. Until 1519 he worked in Italy, where he was influenced by Michelangelo and the Florentine school. In his architectural works, for example, a church in Granada (begun 1528), Siloé combined Gothic traditions with numerous elements of the orders. He created an atmosphere of harmony and light with his use of space. His sculptural works, which include reliefs for the choir stall in the Church of San Benito in Vallodolid, are noted for their closeness to the principles of the High Renaissance.


Gómez-Moreno, M. Diego Siloé. Granada, 1963.