Syllabic Writing
Syllabic Writing
a type of phonetic writing in which a marker (syllabeme) indicates the pronunciation of a sequence of consonant and vowel phonemes or of vowels alone, generally in open syllables. Strictly syllabic writing systems include the Cyprian syllabic system and a number of Ethiopian and Indian scripts: Kharosthi, Brahmi, and derivative systems such as those used in Tibet, Indochina, and Indonesia. Artificial syllabic writing systems have been created for Cherokee (North America), Vai (Liberia), and Mende (Sierra Leone).
Word-syllabic scripts (systems combining syllabic writing with words or pictographs) include Japanese, Old Korean, and Late Cuneiform (Akkadian, Hittite, and biblical script) and Lu-vian hieroglyphic script. Systems sometimes regarded as syllabic writing are Old Persian cuneiform, Proto-Semitic script, and some Egyptian hieroglyphics.
Diringer, D. Alfavit. Moscow, 1963. (Translated from English.)Cohen, M. L’Ecriture. Paris, 1953.
Friedrich, J. Geschichte der Schrift. Heidelberg, 1966.