

 [plat″ĭ-ba´zhah] malformation of the base of the skull due to softening of skull bones or a developmental anomaly, with bulging upwards of the floor of the posterior cranial fossa adjacent to the foramen magnum, upward displacement of the upper cervical vertebrae, and bony impingement on the brainstem, accompanied by neurologic signs referable to the medulla oblongata. See also invagination" >basilar invagination. Called also basilar impression.


(plat'i-bā'sē-ă), A developmental anomaly of the cranium or an acquired softening of the cranial bones so that the floor of the posterior cranial fossa bulges upward in the region about the foramen magnum. Synonym(s): basilar invagination [platy- + G. basis, ground]


(plat'i-bā'sē-ă) A developmental anomaly of the cranium or an acquired softening of the cranial bones that allows the floor of the posterior cranial fossa to bulge upward in the region around the foramen magnum. [platy- + G. basis, ground]