Platte River State Park

Platte River State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Nebraska
Location:Halfway between Lincoln and Omaha, about 2.5 miles south of Louisville.
Facilities:31 camper cabins, 21 housekeeping cabins, tepee rentals, modernrestrooms, showers, group camp, restaurant, snack bar, picnic areas,hiking trails (10 miles), mountain bike trails (10 miles), fishing dock(é), swimming pool, paddleboat rentals, crafts center, amphitheater,archery range, observation deck; golf course nearby.
Activities:Swimming, hiking, horseback trail rides, mountain biking, campfire programs.
Special Features:Situated along the Platte River, park was formed by merging the sitesof two private summer camps and a large wooded area. An 85-foot towerat the park includes a largeobservation deck that affords scenic views of the Platte Valley. Parkmanagement is aimed at providing excellentfacilities for family recreation activities while keeping costs to aminimum.
Address:14421 346th St
Louisville, NE 68037

Size: 519 acres.

See other parks in Nebraska.