Schreiber, Klaus
Schreiber, Klaus
(religion, spiritualism, and occult)In 1985, Klaus Schreiber invented a device that he called the Vidicom. It was inspired by George Meek’s Spiricom—a mechanical device that could be used to communicate with spirits of the dead. Where Meek’s invention enabled the living to speak to the dead, Schreiber’s enabled them to see the deceased on a television screen. He started with an experiment to try to hear voices of the dead, and eventually heard the voice of his deceased daughter Karin. These Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) voices suggested that he use video as well as audio to communicate. This he tried and eventually managed to distinguish faces on his television screen. He achieved this by recording blank channels with his video camera. He would aim his camera at the screen and then feed back the camera’s output into the television to create a feedback loop. This created a swirling cloud-like appearance in which spirit images slowly appeared.
Tom and Lisa Butler report that although Schreiber’s first pictures were blurred, his later ones were greatly improved, capturing a picture of his daughter and of other deceased relatives. The Butlers said, “His daughter became his research counterpart on the other side and assisted him with receiving further contacts from deceased family and friends.” They add that parapsychologist professor Hans Bender declared that the phenomenon experienced by Schreiber was real.