Acronym | Definition |
PWO➣Pre-Workout |
PWO➣Prince of Wales's Own (Regiment of Yorkshire) |
PWO➣Perfect Working Order (classifieds) |
PWO➣Preferred Walk-On (college sports) |
PWO➣Public Severe Weather Outlook (US NOAA) |
PWO➣Public Works Officer (US Navy) |
PWO➣Philatelic Webmasters Organization |
PWO➣Post Work Out (after exercise) |
PWO➣Payment With Order (advance payment) |
PWO➣Pweto, Zaire (airport code) |
PWO➣Principle Warfare Officer (Royal Navy) |
PWO➣Public Welfare Offense |
PWO➣Professional Wastewater Operators |
PWO➣Pichu's World Oekaki (gaming) |
PWO➣Pokemon World Online |
PWO➣Poor Wandering One (song; Pirates of Penzance) |
PWO➣Procurement Work Order |
PWO➣Practical World Outlook |
PWO➣Pfeizer Wind Orchestra (Kent, UK) |
PWO➣Professional Warfare Operations (gaming clan) |
PWO➣Peter's World Order |
PWO➣Physician Written Opinion |
PWO➣Plumb Wore Out |
PWO➣People's Welfare Organization (Sri Lanka) |