platelet adhesion

platelet adhesion

Hematology The attachment of platelets to nonplatelet surfaces, which occurs after trauma when platelets contact exposed collagen fibers of the subendothelium of blood vessels ↓ in Afibrinogenemia, anemia, azotemia, Bernard-Soulier disease, Chédiak-Higashi syndrome, cirrhosis and other liver disease, congenital heart disease, DIC, fibrinolysis, Glanzmann's thrombasthenia, glycogen storage disease, hyaline membrane disease–RDS of newborn, myeloma, plasma cell dyscrasia, platelet release defects, renal disease, post-surgery–eg, CABG, uremia, von Willebrand's disease, Waldenström's macroglobulinemia. Cf Platelet adhesion, Platelet aggregations studies.