(Gogo), a people in central Tanzania. The Wagogo language belongs to the eastern group of Bantu languages. The estimated population was more than 300,000 in 1967. Approximately 75 percent of the Wagogo are Muslim, but some Wagogo retain their traditional beliefs. Their chief occupations are livestock breeding (longhorn cattle, goats, and sheep) and some hoe farming (sorghum, maize, and cassava). Seasonal migrant labor in the mines, on plantations, and in the cities is increasing.
Ismagilova, R. N. “Etnicheskii sostav i zaniatiia naseleniia Tangan’iki.” In Afrikanskii etnograficheskii sbornik, vol. 2. Moscow, 1958.Claus, H. Die Wagogo. Leipzig-Berlin, 1911.