Wagner Von Jauregg, Julius

Wagner Von Jauregg, Julius


(also Julius Wagner-Jauregg). Born Mar. 7, 1857, in Wels; died Sept. 27, 1940, in Vienna. Austrian psychiatrist.

Wagner von Jauregg graduated from the medical school of the University of Vienna in 1880. From 1889 to 1893, he was a professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University of Graz. From 1893 to 1928, he served as the director of the psychiatric clinic and the head of the department of psychiatry and neurology at the medical school of the University of Vienna.

In 1887, Wagner von Jauregg attempted to treat psychoses by inoculations with febrile diseases (seeFEVER THERAPY). In 1917 he used malaria inoculations to treat Bayle’s disease. Later, he substantiated the theoretical aspects of fever therapy.

Wagner von Jauregg wrote works on heredity, forensic psychiatry, and psychoses stemming from infectious diseases. He received a Nobel Prize in 1927.


Fieber- und Infektionstherapie: Ausgewahlte Beitrage 1887–1935. Vienna, 1936.


Kannabikh, Iu. Istoriia psikhiatrii. Moscow, 1929.
Pötzl, O. “Julius Wagner von Jauregg.” Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 1940, vol. 53, no. 40.
Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 1957, vol. 69, no. 38–39.