

单词 spe



abbr. special purpose entity



Software Practice and Experience
MedicalSeeSucrose Polyester


Special Purpose Vehicle

A subsidiary of a company that attempts to isolate risk from the parent company by maintaining its assets and liabilities on a completely separate balance sheet. It can be used as a counterparty in swap transactions, or the parent company can finance a project through an SPV that would put the parent company in danger of bankruptcy if the project does not perform well. During the Enron scandal, SPVs developed notoriety because Enron hid much of its debt in SPVs.


See special purpose enterprise.


Either a Single-Purpose Entity or a Special-Purpose Entity.These two are not the same thing.


SPESociety of Petroleum Engineers
SPESolid Phase Extraction
SPEStrategic Planning and Evaluation (US FEMA)
SPESony Pictures Entertainment
SPESpecial Purpose Entity
SPESynchronous Payload Envelope
SPESiemens Professional Education (formerly Siemens-Berufsausbildung)
SPESynergistic Processor Element
SPEStatic Phase Error (US NASA)
SPESmall Programming Enhancement
SPEService Provider Equipment
SPESpecial Programming Enhancements
SPESerial Peripheral System Enable
SPESpline Editor
SPESmall Product Enhancement
SPESystem Processing Engine
SPESystem Policy Editor
SPESophisticated Paint Endorsement (American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc.)
SPESkill Performance Evaluation (various organizations)
SPESignal Processing Equipment
SPEStorage Processor Enclosure
SPESynergistic Processing Element
SPEService Provider Edition (software)
SPESociety of Professional Engineers
SPESociety for Photographic Education
SPESigma Phi Epsilon
SPESvenska Petroleum Exploration (Sweden)
SPESerum Protein Electrophoresis
SPESubmassive Pulmonary Embolism
SPESolid Polymer Electrolyte
SPESoftware Performance Engineering
SPESenior Procurement Executive
SPESingle Point of Entry
SPEStreptococcal Pyrogenic Exotoxin
SPEService Processing Element (Cisco)
SPESubgame Perfect Equilibrium (game theory)
SPESolar Particle Event
SPESolid Phase Epitaxy
SPESocietas Privata Europaea (Latin: European Private Company)
SPESociety of Plastics Engineers, Inc.
SPESoftware Product Engineering
SPESolar Proton Event
SPEServicios Públicos de Empleo (Spanish)
SPESupervisory Patent Examiner
SPESpecial Purpose Equipment
SPESales Per Employee
SPESymbolic Programming Environment
SPESemiconductor Production Equipment
SPESolid Particle Erosion
SPESociété Coopérative de Production d'Electricité (Belgium electric company)
SPESoftware Product Evaluation
SPESolid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth
SPESony Pictures Employment
SPESIPRnet Premise Equipment
SPESecondary Particulate Emissions
SPESONET Payload Envelope
SPESumiju Plant Engineering (Japan)
SPESauber Petronas Engineering
SPESociety for Pure English
SPEsubtracting pore effect
SPESynergistic Processing Engine
SPESatellite Precipitation Estimate
SPESoy Phytoestrogen
SPESmall Program Enhancement (IBM)
SPESupplier Performance Evaluation (various companies)
SPESpacecraft Power Electronics
SPESciences Physiques pour l'Enseignement (French: Physics for Education)
SPESensor Processing Electronics
SPESystems Performance Effectiveness
SPESpherical Probable Error
SPEServices Protected Evacuation
SPESwedish Penis Enlarger (Austin Powers)
SPEStored Program Element (USAF SACCS 465L EDTCC)
SPESoftware Product Expert
SPEService Provisioning Environment
SPEStartup Phase Error
SPESulfur Polymer Encapsulation
SPESystems Planning & Engineering
SPESum of Predicted Error
SPESingle Piston Effect (valve engineering)
SPEService Platform Engineering
SPESouth Pit Extension (Project; Australia)




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