Transplanting Apparatus
Transplanting Apparatus
the working part of a machine that transplants seedlings of vegetable crops, tobacco and makhorka, potato tubers, grapes, fruit trees, and forest crops. The transplanting apparatus makes a furrow in the soil, places the seedling in the furrow, waters the seedling or adds a solution of mineral fertilizers, covers the furrow and, consequently, the roots of the seedling, and packs down the soil on both sides of the plant. Plant setters for seedlings of vegetable crops, tobacco, and makhorka are equipped with a disk or chain transplanting apparatus.
The main assemblies of the disk transplanting apparatus are the planting disk (with seedling holders), the plowshare, the covering rollers, the seedling box, the driver’s seat, the water-supply tank, the water hose, and the valves. A chain transplanting apparatus is a chain conveyor with attached seedling holders. In this type of transplanting apparatus, the operator places the seedlings in the holders manually. The transplanting apparatus is driven by the support wheels. The scoop-disk transplanting apparatus of a potato plant setter is a disk with attached scoops that are equipped with a spring-loaded pin clamp. The scoops grasp the potato tubers and drop them into the planter plowshare. The transplanting apparatus of a potato plant setter is driven by the power takeoff shaft of a tractor. The transplanting apparatus of a forest-crop plant setter is made in the form of a crosspiece, with grips for the seedlings attached to the ends of its beams.