Acronym | Definition |
PVM➣Parallel Virtual Machine |
PVM➣Päivämäärä (Finnish: Date) |
PVM➣Personal Voice Mail |
PVM➣Python Virtual Machine |
PVM➣Performance Visibility Manager |
PVM➣Personal Voice Master |
PVM➣Partner Voice Messaging |
PVM➣Pneumonia Virus of Mice |
PVM➣Paikallisverkkomaksu (Finnish: Local Network Rate) |
PVM➣Public View Monitor (surveillance) |
PVM➣Place Ville-Marie (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
PVM➣Player Versus Monster (gaming) |
PVM➣Presbyterian Villages of Michigan |
PVM➣Potato Virus M |
PVM➣Preventive Medicine |
PVM➣Parasitophorous Vacuole Membrane (biology) |
PVM➣Photovoltaic Module |
PVM➣Present Value Model |
PVM➣Pass-Through Virtual Machine (Protocol) |
PVM➣Process Value Management |
PVM➣Predicate-Based Variable Modification |
PVM➣Paged Virtual Memory |
PVM➣PathTrak Video Monitoring (software) |
PVM➣Pridetines Vertes Mokestis (Lithuanian: Value Added Tax) |
PVM➣Particle Vision and Measurement (microscopy; Lasentec) |
PVM➣Photo Violation Meter (parking meter) |
PVM➣Product Value Matrix (Design Consortium) |
PVM➣Paravertebral Muscle (anatomy) |
PVM➣Phase-Voltage Modulator |
PVM➣Propeller Valve Module (aviation) |