Plaster and Stucco
Plaster and Stucco
(in Russian, shtukaturka), hardened finishing layers formed by a mortar applied to the surfaces of structural members and parts of buildings and other structures.
Various types of plaster and stucco are distinguished in modern construction: conventional types designed to smooth the surfaces of walls and partitions, prepare them for final treatment (painting and wallpapering), and protect against atmospheric effects (for example, in finishing the facades of buildings); special types, such as for fire protection, sound absorption, and X-ray protection, which are used as insulating and screening layers; and decorative types, used to enhance the aesthetic expressiveness of buildings and other structures. Different types of plaster and stucco are used depending on the type of building or other structure and the requirements for the quality of finish on surfaces: simple types—for temporary buildings and warehouses and where wooden walls will be subsequently tiled; improved types—in large-scale residential and public buildings; and high-grade types—in buildings constructed to individual designs.
Plaster and stucco finishes may be applied as a wet solution directly on a surface, or the surface may be finished with large, pre fabricated sheets and slabs. Plaster and stucco must be strong, with an even, smooth surface and without traces of the applicator or cracks.